Sg Band of Drummers


New member
band is in... band of brothers that kind of band.

I read that in US and other countries, drummers get together once every 2 weeks or so and help each other out, technique wise and give each other tips and stuff and information.

How about we drummers in Singapore start a group like that as well?

Let's pull the drummers we know together and learn bcos i think everyone here wants to improve as drummers don't we?

wat ya guys think?
I've been wanting to do that actually. I got my drumming buddies and we always share tips. Wat abt meeting up at a studio (first choice) or anywhere else. Talking shit abt drums and all dat..

The drumming community here is small but very close together. Lets make it closer.

Could get bro Mel80, Wired, turbochicken, lepids, blurred to teach me some drum stuffs.. And yeah not forgetting bro Marlboro.. He's a good drummer/sound engineer..
shred5 said:
And yeah not forgetting bro Marlboro.. He's a good drummer/sound engineer..

u can also ask sharul - percussionist of Dancing nancies. He's also a fantastic drummer.
Yes. Were talking abt it with Vio jus last sun...

There are so much things to learn from each other. Different techniques different strokes..

It`ll be greatly beneficial....
yes i need someone to go through with me rudiments!!!

i go to PS to buy drumsticks and those kids there testing out sticks just whip my ass when they stroke... :cry:
Were any of u involved in the "Singapore Drum Community" forum in Delphi Forums? What happened to that?
let's hold one at the new drumshop that Nigel is setting up! haha! Good walk-in customers for him too. 8)
This sounds great! There would be so much to learn from you people.

Yep. I think we should start by compiling a list of people who are interested to participate. Email? Contact number? MSN?

Mine's in my profile, so yeah, add me on MSN! :D