Settings for DD3


New member
Hi! i just got mine.. and it owns. but i notice it sucks a bit of tone and it changes. extremely prominent during distortion.

well, never mind.

how do you all hear/use the short mode? what settings are good for that?

also, i'll check the internet for info on hold (mine came w/o a manual) but help here would be appreciated.

don't delay! (i made a funny)
distortion before the delay or delay before the distortion? Perhaps you might like to try the different order to hear the different and choose the preference

another thing to look out for is lowering down the gain on distortion and control the picking hand to let the delay repeats breath out before playing another notes etc. Lower the gain if you want the delay to breath, if not, it will end up sounding messy. Unless you are trying to get the wall of sound thing, if not. Try lowering the gain with the delay to get in control first

short delay yield a reverbish sorta delay, some use it to spice up distortion. Some use it for slapback effect, usually found in /blues country or rockabilly stuff. Brian setzer etc..

the hold effect, play one note, step on the pedal and the note/chord will sustain. Then play your guitar over it. Its pretty straight forward to use, but not easy to make it sound useful.

hey, thanks a lot.

btw i do my feedback and e-level at NE position..

well right now im lacking another cable due to my forgetfulness so maybe guitar>dd3>amp distort is a bad idea :oops:
no worries man :D

delay is perhaps the most fun modulation effect ever. But need to get in control of it before it'll do what you want it to...

have fun
The short delay mode, i find it useful for "thickening" ur solos. Its very subtle as compared to the Medium and Long delay modes. But it does make a differemce. Take some time to experiement, it took me a month to get my fav settings. :)
Go slow with the delay.... I'm anal about getting my sound out there, and not muddied up with delay.

Anyway, I'm one of those who just needs delay delay.... i can't use hold or slam or anything feedbacky... i can't, its hopeless! :lol:
Set the DD3's extreme right dial to fully counterclockwise and set the time knob to anywhere from 12 to 3 o clock, set feedback knob to full counterclokwise for and adjust level out to taste. Conect the DD3 to 2 seperate amps placed on opposite sides of the room and play any of the riffs from Ozzy's Randy Rhodes years and you'll get pretty close! :)

For nice after touch added dimension to your overall sounds set the delay selector for 800msecs and set the time to anywhere from 2 o clock to fully clockwise adjust feed back and level out to taste (less is more here). Slam any chord or play a lick staccato or legato wise and hear for yourself the afternote from the delay. Twist the time and feedback knob to taste. Set the delay time in accordance to tempo of song. Approximation is alright as long as the layed out signal isn't too loud where it'll start to sound like what I often describe as after office hour at Shenton way....Heh!

For added versatility consider adding a 2 or 3 way toggle select for the hi cut mod to attain a warmer afternote. :D
Santa said:
haha a month?

gosh. any pedal modders here?

i would like somebody to upgrade my md-2 :D

Congrats to owning a MD2! Not many seem to be aware how novel the pedals' design is as it's got a never seen before 2 stage drive control which is almost like having 2 knobs to dial in the amount of pre and power amp distortion! For added versatility to your MD2 email me for more details. :)