Semangat Lamina ( Lefthanded cover ) neoclassical metal

eh apadah korang...
benda kecik camni pun nak bertekak ke...
hehehe...kelakar lah...
kai,just take it in ur stirde n move on...bingit2 pun buat apa kan?
bukan bawak faedah? :)
keep the good comments,the bad comments just turn it into sumthin positive...
rileks brader...
tak bagus cakap camtu...sama2 musician kena sama2 belajar mcm mana nak membaiki permainan masing2...

nobody is good...coz whenever u think u r good,there'll bound to be someone better!!!

hari raya cina pun dah nak dekat...enjoy ur wknd guys!!!
Juno said:
eh apadah korang...
benda kecik camni pun nak bertekak ke...
hehehe...kelakar lah...
kai,just take it in ur stirde n move on...bingit2 pun buat apa kan?
bukan bawak faedah? :)
keep the good comments,the bad comments just turn it into sumthin positive...
rileks brader...
tak bagus cakap camtu...sama2 musician kena sama2 belajar mcm mana nak membaiki permainan masing2...

nobody is good...coz whenever u think u r good,there'll bound to be someone better!!!

hari raya cina pun dah nak dekat...enjoy ur wknd guys!!!

Nice one djanggo. You said it yourself. You always look to the flaws to a person's playing and use it against them. Even if Kai does have these flaws, so what? Does that give you the right to say what was said? and I do thank you. For showing all of us what kind of person you are.
and he is now very upset cause somebody has come forward to tell the truth about his playing,a comment from somebody who knew about real shredding,not tembak kind of solo.maybe newcomer guitar player would not realise that...they only think,anyone who can play at fast speed must be good....Anybody can play fast if practice every day with a metronome or without it and its a matter of time...But to play fast and accurately executing the notes,playing cleanly,with good tempo and playing diligently is not easy.
Pffft. djanggo thinks Kai will be upset about his childish comments. I've nothing left to say! Hahahaha. Good luck djanggo on your worthless criticism whoring.
overplaying with no sense of direction or sensible melody....You playings scales eh....not melody i think...yes playing straight forward scales with a few changes maybe..a bit
no offence... im not a rock kapak fan... but i've been to a few rock kapak gigs in SG...and yes i have seen yakamashi play.. well erm they sound erm not so good on stage. other bands a lil bit better. sorry kai thats my point of view. about the guitar solo part...why do covers? create ur own and post it. im a fan of "mathcore" ands stuff with bands like the dillinger escape plan or even the fall of troy...maybe you guys can listen to them and hear their solos. or maybe mastodon if u want more to the metal side. if u want local bands then maybe u can check out killing satori or little girl terrorist.
i think he will have difficulty soloing over certain chord progression cause most of his songs made from typical and simple for him to solo or shred.Cause its all have the good notes.Its always in the key of E....minor..using the same particular scales
djanggo said:
overplaying with no sense of direction or sensible melody....You playings scales eh....not melody i think...yes playing straight forward scales with a few changes maybe..a bit

just curious here, do you think you're a better player than kai?
playing live???metalheadz,zeotz..and other metal bands sounds better....hahhahahah..guitar sound very thin....should listen to gilbert guitar sound playing live....zakk wylde.....i never hear any of the top guitar plyers player playing live has a weak or thin guitar sound....recording settings for guitar is not the same as playing live.....and its seem he play the guitar with the distortion turning to maybe near to full!
i think im a better player than kai in the terms of not showing off when you are not really good enough to play something clean and clearly....Play something that you can well if you really want to show off or maybe show your skill....that all.short and simple...
i think you've made your point more than enough times. Time to stop, because a gentleman will not behave like a rabid dog.
i saw your group stage performance at Fort canning.....where is the great maestro of guitar?dress to kill,but what are you playing up there??whta happen to your guitar sound??you are playing something fast but not clear...slurring notes....whatever....should rekod your stage performance and see yourself..dont create mockery out of yourself playing like that.I dont kiss ppls ass and say they are good but the fact is they are not really good but merely showing off.I saw some other guitar players who do not have to show ppl they can play fast but we know they are good.
djanggo, i think u shld really shut the fuck up. seriously. u are too much. u have commented on his playing, that's enough ah. u dont have to criticise his band also.. IF U ARE THAT FUCKING GOOD, GO POST UR RECORDING HERE U ASSHOLE. IF NOT, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND PUT UR 50 YEAR OLD DICK INTO UR MOUTH AND GO CRY TO UR MOM.

we wiil support u kai.
wow...i think janggo is an experience guitar player..
back then i mean in the 90`s..this sort of thing is nothing new..

back then there are many gd local bands and the new breed seems like to show off what they can me if u got the chops it live not on the forum...

one more thing to be successfull u must be tolerant to this sort critisism..
its a healthy one rather than the fake comment normally u get ..something like ..oh thats gd..or ok...

i myself learn the hard luck to you kai..
as for janggo...well i know what u can do..
ok i 1ve listen to the track...
i think u need to remix it ..kai
the rhythm section is too hot for the solo..they are running into each other

u need to back off the gain or drive as well
the tone not define..bro..
btw i dont think its a neoclassical piece..
i think its a progressive one...