djanggo New member Jan 24, 2006 #121 ok...kau punya suka lah labu....kau pun dah besar.Aku dah penat....
G gutturalpiss New member Jan 25, 2006 #122 skali ni djanggo kai nye bestest best friend eh..? SIOL AH! HAN KATSOII MANN!!!
N nocturnus New member Jan 25, 2006 #124 What an entertaining thread this is!! Who needs music, if this is enuff of an entertainment?? :lol: Bring on the flame wars!
What an entertaining thread this is!! Who needs music, if this is enuff of an entertainment?? :lol: Bring on the flame wars!
K kaihernando New member Jan 25, 2006 #127 dhalif said: dont sweat it kai.. dont let these people ruin you.. \m/ Click to expand... thks dhalif bro
dhalif said: dont sweat it kai.. dont let these people ruin you.. \m/ Click to expand... thks dhalif bro
U UltraSound New member Jan 26, 2006 #128 Pedulikan ape org nak kata... Yang penting Kita HAPPY HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!!!
G Guest Guest Jan 28, 2006 #129 shut the eff up.end of story.the next person to flame is truly an eggbastard asswipe.
T Tuna New member Mar 1, 2006 #130 Kai, u r the man... I may not not knw bout Yakamashii but kai wit lotsa self practice...u can make it for sure.. Stay positive dude...
Kai, u r the man... I may not not knw bout Yakamashii but kai wit lotsa self practice...u can make it for sure.. Stay positive dude...