Self intro: Pine45


New member
Hellloooo everyone!
I'm new to this forum, so i guess i'll start introducing myself :D
I only found this forum when i was googling 'Learning drums in Singapore'. I think or something along that line. ^^

Just started drums not long, perhaps only a month? Never really had the chance to practice it as i didn't have a set at home untill now! haha.

I'm mainly into Jap stuff, music, games and all. I play FFXI online but quit liaoz. WoW kena hack. damn~~

will be 21 this 21st. I feel old already T_T.

Once again Hello folks!! :p oh and thank you admin for sending the activation mail again.
FGL, so old already your welcome greetings,as old as your age, ahakz, i read some1 say u look like 28,heheheh*evil giggle*....btw, Welcome to soft.....
waa if 21 is old, then the rest of us are what... ancient?

anyway welcome! hope you like it here. :cool:

bro fgl even offered to chia coffee to the guy who said he looks 28 lor... i should have said it before he did :p
LoLzz 21 liao lehhh looking back ah... Woah like long way :D I'm a noobie drummer and a rather good singer(I think!) Ha Ha. plays DotA can jio me :p
fgl dont worry la.young at heart still okay.

anyways welcome to soft!
softies teasing softies will soon be a common thing to you.
as long as you have no interest in emo pink strats.
wah ahah i see i see. Oh for dota I am can log bnet but dun prefer it cos go lag ah. Usually go lancraft on IRC de. can pm me lah then get my msn or wad easier to jio for DotA