SDPC - Mampos!

worst come to worst, buy an ink stamp with 4 alphabets and set the ink sdpc and stamp it to the end of the ciggs...

heh ingenuity of singaporeans!!.. well hey maybe if the toxins from the ink are poisonous, just stop smoking till the wording lor...

but i guess this one must diy to shops that makes this stuff.. it's 0.3mm small.. hmm, any lobangs for ink stamp making thingy?
singapore is the first country in the world to implement this! looks like the authorities are really going all out to eradicate the 'problem' of contraband cigarettes.

if the authorities are genuinely corcerned with the attempt to eradicate the problem, they would tackle the source of the problem, dealing with entailments should be secondary...

let's smoke pipes instead...

i cant wait for the time for:

hawker center chicken rice - S$23/-
teh O peng - S$17.30
a pack of Marlboro red - S$63.43
confirm very shiok

hahahaha.. don't really know why i'm laughing :/

being Singapore and all, i won't be surprised if that really happens one fine day
announced liao... but oil prices went down to $98 per barrel. why go up still?

The excuse of inflation still holds for the moment. But when the excuse wears off, the prices will get steady soon, even lower a bit, but will never go down to what it originally was because now, charging the inflation prices with lower oil cost means larger profit.
eh to be honest, contraband cigarettes are of lower quality as compared to SIngapore ones.

true dat, but on the other hand, they're also not that bad.

for something that costs less than half the price of sg cigs, they're pretty damn good and worth your money :D
To put it short,the government are making big bucks from all this increase thingy in singapore.We,as the citizens are the ones who suffer.What to do?We have to live with it..The truth hurts!
Smoking contraband ciggis is worse than taking ganja in the eyes of the law.What a lame input!Whateva!

No lah, smoking ganja is still worse in the eyes of law. U smoke contra ciggie, u just get fined. U smoke ganja, u go jail straight away. So u shldnt compare.
haha lucky i dun buy contraband ciggies. and those that do buy em, just smoke at home la. then wont get caught one. lol!
it wasn't difficult for them to check for contraband cigarettes last time. it's just that it's even easier now
well the goverment cant afford taking care of too much ppl having ciggarettes-related disease that's why.and since the population is kinda small singapore's at a loss but i have to say though this is all just a prelude to banning ciggies which ill say..damn sad.haizz.welli do hope that with the sdpc label on the least the goverment can do is lower the taxes on duty paid ciggies at least ppl wont have a reason for doin loads of crazy stuff for contrabands.haha.rembering the good old days where ciggies were like hmm 6 bucks?
If DVDs can be copied, it'll probably take 1 month at most before contraband cigarettes get copied. The next thing the garment will do is introduce holographic images and drive up the cost for that. I'll probably switch to pipe or beedee... :p - maybe contraband beedee unless they stamp SDPC on beedee leaves here
so, is stormking type gonna be SDPC too?

if not, bring in contraband Leafs, lol. later all the cigarette paper kena stamp SDPC