SDPC - Mampos!


New member
i'm sure most of u have already heard that from next year onwards, all duty-paid cigarettes will be marked with the letters SDPC (singapore duty-paid cigarette).

singapore is the first country in the world to implement this! looks like the authorities are really going all out to eradicate the 'problem' of contraband cigarettes.

wah like this it's gonna be damn hard and dangerous to smoke contraband cigarettes in public sia!

not that i do.

i'm just worried for those who do :D :p

what do you guys think about this?
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imho, theres nothing wrong for them to do so.

want to smoke, then pay for it, want to buy contraband, then be prepared to pay for it when caught.

I smoke and i think whether or not they stamped those words or me buying contraband ciggie, i shall be responsible for my action. No brainers here.

no money, dont smoke, wanna be cheapo, buy cheap ciggie, then do so. The inability to quit smoking is entirely due to our incapability, why shud we be pointing fingers at them for stamping the words when we are the one who cant quit?

they can do what they want, we can still do what we want, but at least before we start grumbling, we should blame ourself, wanting to smoke and no ability to buy the right ciggie constantly
smokers cant quit like that ....just because the ciggies are expensive n we got no money

Imagine food that cost $11.20...
yet u are hungry....and u are poor
U buy some cheap stuff like nasi ayam for 3 bucks....cause we are poor...or so no money

So the thing is sometimes smokers they are contant they cant stop just like that....

Singapore trying to stop contraband..i dont know why like seems desperate....

COntrband exist cause people like the middle class or the poor....sometimes we need to smoke yet no money..if worst to worst we smoke the foldable d.i.y ciggies.

Yes we are to Blame for our action to smoke contraband
Yes we are to Blame for being cheap
But....for 11.50 ciggies and 10.50 ciggies..dosent that takes up alot in our wallet...
We not that rich n yet Singapore is Getting better by all our Gst/ERPs/Fines and all....
sure or not, if they really in the way, then must voice out, with proof, if not, we can be taken for, with no credibility, only knows how to point finger at easy target. If not, we be called whiners instead, with no sense of direction
Singaporean cant voice out anyhow..
Later white cars comes with sirens.
U know ah how this system works..
Say something wrong only...booom next thing we know we in court.
say things must have credibility mah. If anyhow say say with no credit citations/proof etc, of course people see, no happy, go complain, then they come catch.

Local authority really not as free as what we think, monitor this, monitor that, then come catch.

heh, they have became such an easy target that anyone can just jump on them without any deeper thoughts it seem

yea but u gotta admit.. cigs in sg are so ex, it's stupid!

it's not abt having money or not

i've seen adults wearing formal business clothes, coming out of big cars and buying contrabands.

i mean why buy something that costs $11+, when you can get the same thing for $5?

unless you're rich, like donald trump rich, you will be tempted to buy contrabands

it's just a matter of whether you dare to take the risk of getting caught
maybe i time to stop smoking lar
one step at a time,start with the chewing gums?
hahah,when there is a will ppl,there will be a way

ERP and GST are the direct result of Singapore not getting enough revenue from taxation from cigarettes because everyone is turning to contraband.

Ok so I'm completely exaggerating here, lol. :p
or vice versa
i cant wait for the time for:

hawker center chicken rice - S$23/-
teh O peng - S$17.30
a pack of Marlboro red - S$63.43
confirm very shiok