But finishing wise, to me, nothing beats the finish on a BLACK Blackjack.
It's simply.....clean.
in what way? the grover tuners isn't very good in ensuring the strings in tune?
if youve played many many guitars before, you'd understand that grovers arent that effiecient in keeping tuning stable. even subversion swapped out his grovers on his BFG.
then, do you have some tuners to recommend? Haha, the tuners on my guitar doesn't stay in tune very well either.. thinking of changing... are those tuners in standardvalue good?
damn! how? how? got 3 other guitars to choose!
If you can get this nut(for tail bridge guitars) plus good tuners like
And i paid 950 for my C-1 FR,from Guitar77.
DUDE. what's your C1-FR's wood? set neck or bolt on? i don't know what's the diff between the black jack C1 and C1... and the C1-FR can cost 950 only and the blackjack verison can cost 2K+...