Schecter Appreciation Thread.

its 2 completely different guitars, whats the comparison for?

Yes, 2 very different guitars.

And guys, I THINK this thread's got a LITTLE off topic. A little only, not so much. Hahaha
What's with the Gibby and SGs and comparing?
Remember, this is a Schecter thread alright. :)
And if there's any comparison between any guitars here in this thread, it'd be betweens Schecters only alright. Don't start a "fire" here. :)

Zenzo: Scroll down a little to see your little devils. LOL! But they don't have the blood-splattered ones there.
Aiyya..... The main reason why I posted the 2 different models of ZV is to keep this thread going, at least we have something to talk about. Didn't expect you guys ended up comparing them with SGs. And for the record, I'm not in the market of getting any of them.

In a vivid glance, one would say ZV is a copy of SG but the real fact is they are 2 different animals. Look closely and tell me which part(s) that make you guys think it is an SG copy? Just because of the horns? And that's all? Come on...

I don't wanna start the 'copy' vs 'original' discussion (or even 'fake/imitation/replica') but I humbly believe that most of the mass-produced guitars resemble either a Strat, LP or Tele but they are not regarded as copies. Known facts; and peeps rarely go there. Take this guitar as an example:


I'm sure ESP/Hetfield fans would get pissed off if somebody came up, have nothing to say but a simple "Ah, that's a Gibson Les Paul copy. Nothing beats the original LP, a lot nicer!". Duh......
Aiyya..... The main reason why I posted the 2 different models of ZV is to keep this thread going, at least we have something to talk about. Didn't expect you guys ended up comparing them with SGs. And for the record, I'm not in the market of getting any of them.

In a vivid glance, one would say ZV is a copy of SG but the real fact is they are 2 different animals. Look closely and tell me which part(s) that make you guys think it is an SG copy? Just because of the horns? And that's all? Come on...

I don't wanna start the 'copy' vs 'original' discussion (or even 'fake/imitation/replica') but I humbly believe that most of the mass-produced guitars resemble either a Strat, LP or Tele but they are not regarded as copies. Known facts; and peeps rarely go there. Take this guitar as an example:


I'm sure ESP/Hetfield fans would get pissed off if somebody came up, have nothing to say but a simple "Ah, that's a Gibson Les Paul copy. Nothing beats the original LP, a lot nicer!". Duh......

Alamak. Relax. LOL.
The gold gold guitar ikan put nice, but then suddenly got Sgs and Gibbys comparison. LOL.

Okokokokokokok, chill everyone. :)
Just remember it's a Schecter thread alright. :p

PS: I'm still waiting for Synester's guitar photos.....
Im a hetfield fan, but i must say that (esp iron cross) is a copy. Here is the original (look lots better i dare say)


How come Schecter thread got all the unrelated photos being posted up here.
You do know there's an ESP thread or Gibson (i think) thread here right.......

And I really don't care if the iron cross thing is a copy not.
Because, like I've said, this is a Schecter thread. :)
Well, that's just my opinion anyways, cos anyone is free to post anything they want.

ok peace. :P
In a vivid glance, one would say ZV is a copy of SG but the real fact is they are 2 different animals. Look closely and tell me which part(s) that make you guys think it is an SG copy? Just because of the horns? And that's all? Come on...

Actually, I think the body shape is significantly different enough to be considered NOT a copy. If anything, I'd think it's a LP DC/SG hybrid.
okay well, I think modern guitars mostly are copies of tele/strat/LP/SG... except for maybe some elaborately shaped guitars... so ya la... it's inevitable for me or maybe anyone else to compare ZV's signature with SG... In warmness on the soul MV, ZV also uses an SG so like very difficult to not compare his guitar and SG...
nice infos goin ard... :)

hmmm... but wth does all tat got to do wif schecter appreciation ah?

wat do guys think of tis?


ps: dun say like tis is a ____ + ____ + ______ (fill in the blanks) copy ah...
ok ok let's shift the focus.

i think schecter should have a wider bass offering.
cause till now i haven find any bass i like yet,
thus i'm without a schecter.
grover tuners u can buy... cheap wat...

ok back to topic!
i reli feel like getting tat ultra 3 sia...

girlpants: how? how?
Yalah, topic went SO VERY off.

Boon: Correct! All those unnecessary informations.
Anyways, Ultra III looks heavy and expensive.
But unfortunately, I know nothing about the Ultra III! So leave it to the experts. LOL!
All i know i that the Ultra has Grover tuners!! Hahah!

KeDraiv: I don't know much about basses. That one must ask "our" Schecter bassist, Miss JeanieBeans. She has 2 Schecter basses I think.

Teleplayer: Er yeah...
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