Say NO to thread spoilers


New member
Firstly, I do not know where this thread should go but i believe it should be placed here for all to see.

I think you guys who are flaming less.paul should really reflect on your own actions. For the past few weeks, whenever azri posts a new thread, it will be flooded with comments, mostly negative. And when he reposts the thread, you guys flame him more, now ask yourself, would he need to repost the same thread if there were no negative comments on the original one?

I understand that some of you, have had bad experience with azri in certain deals. Whatever the case, instead of giving unnecessary comments, why don't you guys form a group to come up with a guide on 'How to be a good buyer/seller'. It is definitely more productive and beneficial to all soft members. But what you guys chose to do, was to gang up and criticised every weakness you could find on azri.

One good example was the posts made by LostGod, he commented that TS should improve his standard of english as he did not understand his use of english on various incidents. English is a language which is not perfected in most parts of the world, including Singapore, if LostGod felt that he did not need to improve his use of english, i beg to differ, he couldn't construct a proper sentence in his comments. (Source:

All in all, I hope you guys can stop spoiling his thread anymore. Moderators of Soft have to clear up every single mess that you all have made. If any of you have any opinions on this, feel free to share with everyone.
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yea I think what guitarnoob1989 said is right if he really did do wrong u guys should be nice and tell him his problem through pm him,and not flame him.If he did cheat or anything I think we should just forgive him and give him another chance. Note that for those who keep flaming him,u must remember that u are also doing a wrong thing of cyberbullying
just what I think,I am not just helping less.paul,but just standing in a way that I think is justice to him:mrgreen:
im guilty of that too, and yea, after reading, what the thread starter said, even though it can be a source of fun, it does provide quite abit of clutter in the forums.
very nice post...sadly i haven't flamed less.paaul..but what i have done is openly start a thread to warn people of others...and i have mentioned crisismoment..and well..from all the previous post before mine...u 2008 softies sure stick together...not bad...i like...good good :twisted: :mrgreen:
One good example was the posts made by LostGod, he commented that TS should improve his standard of english as he did not understand his use of english on various incidents. English is a language which is not perfected in most parts of the world, including Singapore, if LostGod felt that he did not need to improve his use of english, i beg to differ, he couldn't construct a proper sentence in his comments. (Source:

isnt that contradictory? using an example(in a way humiliating LostGod).
I know what you trying to say, but i think using LostGod as an example is contradictory to what you are trying to achieve. In other words, i feel you shouldnt use that example...
wah -.- all less than 100 post one stick up for azri. although i also 2008 member but i'm quite active on the forum. i know quite alot of things. TS, i believe that you shouldn't make a thread like this as i assume you know nothing of what happened. i may be wrong so do correct me if i'm wrong. well, i did not flame azri as i dont know the full story of what he did to get all that flaming but i do not support him either. so DONT flame me.
just my 1 dollars worth (i dont use 0.02 cents cause too many people use it LOL)
The nature of this discussion should be filed under Feedback/Suggestion section rather than the Guitar Buy/Sell.

I agree that thread spoilers are everywhere, even sometimes we are unconscious thread spoilers ourselves. The line is blurred between giving constructive/informative comments and indirectly spoiling people's thread. I agree with Ocean that using other people as an example would render it to be more of a ranting outlet rather than a sound discussion.

Bottomline is, there are too many unwanted comments given by unecessary people (when I say that, I meant people who have no direct interest in the topic, but just wanna post for the fun of personal reasons, which are too many to list) and mods can't go through every thread to check/delete harmful comments/replies.

This is not something that can be stopped overnight; rather it should be a common goal that everybody must work together in order to keep this place a spam/flame-free community.

Like the good old saying, "do unto others as you would want them to do unto you."
Lemme tell you the full story.
At 1st,when I 1st join Soft,I was finding a cheap electric guitar from $100-$130.
Well,the day after on my hunting,I go to Peninsula Davis Guitar Shop & buy the $199 Beginner budget is $120 but actually I have $200+.So the day after I bought the guitar,I am trying to sell it again coz my father said it is a noob guitar(something like that).I felt so angry & sad.So I try to sell it at a very high price around $300-$400.After I posted the thread,people start complaining that this thing only cost $100+.That day,I realize that I am a big fat liar & still,I apologize.
But,people kept flaming & keep it coming everyday.Then I make multiple accounts & act as normal to gain my trust again.But it doesn't work.So til now,I buy & sell guitars with the right price but still,flamed by others.And when they started flaming,new softies thought I am still a liar & I can't be trusted.
So,this thread should be the solution.THanks to guitarnoob1989.
Please ignore my thread & ignore me if I did something wrong to you guys.
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azri, i feel that you should earn your trust rather than call out for people to give you a "yellow ribbon". one way in which you can earn trust is to help out people in need in the forums especially in the guitar rookie section. i aint taking sides but i reckon that that will be a better idea for you
just stfu..
Lemme tell you the full story.
At 1st,when I 1st join Soft,I was finding a cheap electric guitar from $100-$130.
Well,the day after on my hunting,I go to Peninsula Davis Guitar Shop & buy the $199 Beginner budget is $120 but actually I have $200+.So the day after I bought the guitar,I am trying to sell it again coz my father said it is a noob guitar(something like that).I felt so angry & sad.So I try to sell it at a very high price around $300-$400.After I posted the thread,people start complaining that this thing only cost $100+.That day,I realize that I am a big fat liar & still,I apologize.
But,people kept flaming & keep it coming everyday.Then I make multiple accounts & act as normal to gain my trust again.But it doesn't work.So til now,I buy & sell guitars with the right price but still,flamed by others.And when they started flaming,new softies thought I am still a liar & I can't be trusted.
So,this thread should be the solution.THanks to guitarnoob1989.
If you guys who wanna give me a yellow ribbon,sick & tired watching my threads everyday,please say ''Yes,but promise me not to be naughty.'' If you guys who don wanna give me a yellow riboon,please say ''No,keep it coming.''
Lemme tell you the full story.
At 1st,when I 1st join Soft,I was finding a cheap electric guitar from $100-$130.
Well,the day after on my hunting,I go to Peninsula Davis Guitar Shop & buy the $199 Beginner budget is $120 but actually I have $200+.So the day after I bought the guitar,I am trying to sell it again coz my father said it is a noob guitar(something like that).I felt so angry & sad.So I try to sell it at a very high price around $300-$400.After I posted the thread,people start complaining that this thing only cost $100+.That day,I realize I lied & apologize.
But,people kept flaming & keep it coming everyday.Then I make multiple accounts & act as normal to gain my trust again.But it doesn't work.So til now,I buy & sell guitars with the right price but still,flamed by others.And when they started flaming,new softies thought I am still a liar & I won't be trusted.
So,this thread should be the solution.THanks to guitarnoob1989.
If you guys who wanna give me a yellow ribbon,sick & tired watching my threads everyday,please say ''Yes,but promise me not to be naughty.'' If you guys who don wanna give me a yellow riboon,please say ''No,keep it coming.''

there's more to it than that, but i wont go deep into it.
And what's up with your last line? Isnt that gonna give you a slimmer chance of softies finally leaving you alone? It seems to me like you are not sincere in apologizing at all.

From your post, honestly i would like to say 'No, keep it coming'.