Say NO to thread spoilers

if u ppl think that is all he did wrong u guys are wrong. he had much bigger offences in the past.

i dont think many ppl know this. but to me his biggest and worst offence was creating this acct called buckethead. claimed he is selling a gibson flying v and a marshall amp. and he wanted to trade for a washburn or craftsmen.

and innocent ppl for example, ep.tjan who sincerely were interested got cheated of their feelings. he even claimed he was from the us and had a band there.

in an argument with him via pm, he told me he was behind all this, and i insisted he admitted to everyone and apologise. but apparently he didnt.

EDIT: I'm not saying he should be forgiven, but we should just leave his threads alone or we'll be the same as he is

now that is really downright wrong.

Lol. Well but if you read this thread, it's all about forgetting the past no matter what things he did, and not destroying his threads.

As much as I dislike azri (I can openly say), I'd have the agree with this threadstarter. Whatever he did doesn't give us the right to destroy every of his threads.

Why not view it as, if we destroy his thread, we are no different, or even worse than him? :)
Lol. Well but if you read this thread, it's all about forgetting the past no matter what things he did, and not destroying his threads.

yes agreed. i shall say no more. but for me, i'm not going to have anything to do with him anymore. he's a nobody to me
oh and i forgot to mention.

all that happened after he apologised for creating many accts and he swore nvr to lie again and to turn over a new leaf.

i asked him his motive and he said, he wanted to "test who are the greedy ones"

i still have the pm to prove it.

this is the reason why i still cannot trust him. he can say sorry and sincerely mean it this time, but no matter what. we will still have our benefit of doubt

yea i kept it too.
I thought this thread was about thread spoilers? Why is everyone commenting on
less.paul and what he has done? He already admitted that he was untruthful etc.
in the past and we should just live and let live since he has apologized so many
times before. I myself have left some nasty comments on his thread but I believe
that the way he writes is the reason for the flaming. I wouldn't know whether he
is serious about changing but if he is then we should just move on with our lives.
I'm not taking his side or anything but seriously guys... Why don't we close one eye
and give him the opportunity to show us that he's sincere... If we don't see any
change then he truly deserves to be flamed at.

Anyway, I don't think this thread should be in this section.
I thought this thread was about thread spoilers? Why is everyone commenting on
less.paul and what he has done? He already admitted that he was untruthful etc.
in the past and we should just live and let live since he has apologized so many
times before. I myself have left some nasty comments on his thread but I believe
that the way he writes is the reason for the flaming. I wouldn't know whether he
is serious about changing but if he is then we should just move on with our lives.
I'm not taking his side or anything but seriously guys... Why don't we close one eye
and give him the opportunity to show us that he's sincere... If we don't see any
change then he truly deserves to be flamed at.

Anyway, I don't think this thread should be in this section.

Read from the start, and less.paul is the perfect example :)
Haha, I saw this coming, from a healthy discussion thread to a rant thread.

Let's all just pause here and quit commenting about this fella. I guess we have made it clear what kind of person he is, but that does not warrant us to destroy any thread he creates.

We were once kids - some childish kids; others more mature-thinking. Cut him some slack and let's move on to do more constructive stuffs shall we?

less.paul: please be more responsible for your action and PLEASE, do not cre8 any more account. We don't need artificial softies to make up the number :) Just be true to yourself ok?

Mod: please lock this thread.
As much as i agree with the thread starter that flaming should not be an option, i just wanna make a point.

Being theres a diff between notifying someone about the rules and flaming / thread spoiling

Theres an instance where several softies posted on lesspaul's thread asking him to repost only after 4 days. Several carebears showed up asking us to leave him alone/grow up/stop spoiling his thread etc.. Question is.. is reminding someone of the rules considered flaming/thread spoiling?

I myself am honestly unsure about this.

Thing here is.. most people only tell their side of the story. Just like less paul has claimed all he has typed to be the " FULL STORY " by telling his side. As it takes two hands to clap, brother dudelove here has come up with another side including the nitty gritty details to make the story look complete.

Those who have no idea what has happened or have joined in this ' debate/arguement ' halfway only to see several softies " cyber bullying " Azri, well, I feel have no right to comment regarding his case COMPARED to those who have been following everything since his appearance.

( If you have been following it from the start, do ignore this area )

Im sure most of us are familiar with the boy who cried wolf story. Its the same in this case. If someone is a reputable liar, it is not easy for others to trust him or her. The point here is Trust/Respect/Faith must be earned. It is not demanded/requested.

To sum things up, flaming isnt the way to go about settling things whether the person is a liar or con man or whatever criminal he is behind this monitor screen. Rather, constructive criticism should be accepted. Some people choose to put it in a polite way some choose otherwise. Either way in less paul (azri 's ) case, I do understand why some may choose to tell him off in a rather negative way as he does not have a fantastic past or reputation since it takes time for trust to be regained.

Do not misunderstand me.


But I am most open to constructive criticism however subjective the word ' criticism ' may be

This not only implies to muhzdr's case but rather to this thread in a general way.

Thank you

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i do not reallie know what was brewing between less.paul and those involved. but i learnt one thing: flaming is contagious, it spreads like wild fire.
lol, i said that because his mere presence attracts criticism, and yea, we can say give him a chance, let him do business like every normal individual. but not everyone will buy that,

almost all his threads would balloon into a flamefest, and that clutters up the forums and take up bandwith.
Well, I clearly do not see less.paul bringing trouble anymore.. Mostly the softies who approach him with the arms barred.. It's the softies who are now flaming him and causing trouble..

Just look at this thread:

Why on Earth come up with all the sarcasm.. I tried to stand up for the righteous thing to do, which is to LEAVE the kid alone.. But apparently, another kid LostGod came along (who failed to gather the support to ridicule muhdzr) and started criticizing others, blatantly lying out accusations.. In fact, my dispute with him carried out to PMs (I removed his rep for accusing johnfrusciante without proof), and he chose to remove my rep as well for supporting trouble makers? Come on, he was obviously the trouble maker and obviously I wasn't supporting him..

Oh well.. Let bygones be bygones!
regarding reps, wad ever happened to the rep points! :D

/edit yeah azri is the perfect example for all this. i mean, go google his number, he's been banned in some MAPLE forum as well. hahaha.
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this should be it but people are not ready to start anew, especially the individuals who are in direct involvements in bitter incidents.

Agreed. I don't think this matter would just STOP and start anew. We shouldn't expect it to just end, but it will gradually come to a stop. :) When he leaves.
if u ppl think that is all he did wrong u guys are wrong. he had much bigger offences in the past.

i dont think many ppl know this. but to me his biggest and worst offence was creating this acct called buckethead. claimed he is selling a gibson flying v and a marshall amp. and he wanted to trade for a washburn or craftsmen.

and innocent ppl for example, ep.tjan who sincerely were interested got cheated of their feelings. he even claimed he was from the us and had a band there.

in an argument with him via pm, he told me he was behind all this, and i insisted he admitted to everyone and apologise. but apparently he didnt.

now that is really downright wrong.

Mod Asked me to EDit this.
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the best thing is just dont care him and his post.If u dont like azri,dont waste your time writing on his post,thats what I do to him
But apparently, another kid LostGod came along (who failed to gather the support to ridicule muhdzr) and started criticizing others, blatantly lying out accusations.. In fact, my dispute with him carried out to PMs (I removed his rep for accusing johnfrusciante without proof), and he chose to remove my rep as well for supporting trouble makers? Come on, he was obviously the trouble maker and obviously I wasn't supporting him..

After reading the thread on the guitar effects created by muhdzr, I talked to LostGod, who happened to be on my msn, asking why start trouble when muhdzr did not do anything wrong. Furthermore, muhdzr already made a public apology to all soft members whom he have offended. What totally pissed me off was he said, "Another supporter of muhdzr. What? He bribed you?" Its like, hello, look at the bigger picture.
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the best thing is just dont care him and his post.If u dont like azri,dont waste your time writing on his post,thats what I do to him

Yep, I think this would be the best course of action. Just ignore
him if you don't care, which is what I'm doing now anyways ;)
WAH LIAO!!!! need to be a great guitarist to be known here,,,,azri already make himself known here!!!!LOL