Say NO to thread spoilers

Lemme tell you the full story.
At 1st,when I 1st join Soft,I was finding a cheap electric guitar from $100-$130.
Well,the day after on my hunting,I go to Peninsula Davis Guitar Shop & buy the $199 Beginner budget is $120 but actually I have $200+.So the day after I bought the guitar,I am trying to sell it again coz my father said it is a noob guitar(something like that).I felt so angry & sad.So I try to sell it at a very high price around $300-$400.After I posted the thread,people start complaining that this thing only cost $100+.That day,I realize that I am a big fat liar & still,I apologize.
But,people kept flaming & keep it coming everyday.Then I make multiple accounts & act as normal to gain my trust again.But it doesn't work.So til now,I buy & sell guitars with the right price but still,flamed by others.And when they started flaming,new softies thought I am still a liar & I can't be trusted.
So,this thread should be the solution.THanks to guitarnoob1989.
If you guys who wanna give me a yellow ribbon,sick & tired watching my threads everyday,please say ''Yes,but promise me not to be naughty.'' If you guys who don wanna give me a yellow riboon,please say ''No,keep it coming.''
hey I dont like the way your last line is u should know your mistake and help rather than asking people to help u.
But I think that we should also forgive azri as we are all human and we have mistakes:mrgreen:
Just my way of thinking
Azri :) no intention of flammation, but I felt the way you handled the situation is a little childish.

Respect is given by others, not demanded. Let us analyse the problem elaborately shall we?

The problem is simple - you lied (intentionally) and got flamed. Didn't anyone forewarn you that there are many price polices lurking @ the corner, waiting to pounce on you once you commited the "Buy-low-sell-high" crime. In my analysis (strictly my own opinion), it is not wrong for people to point out that you are selling something way beyond the original retail price. But they can choose to do it in a more subtle way (pm you) or aggressive way (openly spamming you), in which the latter surfaced.

Up till now, you are only selling ur Samick Interceptor and your Samick amp. From all the threads you created, I don't see any signs of flaming. Maybe you are over-sensitive? It is okay to lie and admit to it. I admire that spirit, but not many people are with me on this. They have double standards when it comes to doing the wrong things.

Bottomline is, being a guitar noob is not a crime, but over here, people will jack you with sacarsm and critical comments. If you can't take it, I am sorry. It is a much more harsh world out there baby. Gain some experience from this lesson and guys, let's cut this fella some slack yeah :)
Azri, dont fu*cking post here, you'll just make people flame you, and this thread'll just be like your others.

just shut up, and leave the forums for good,

dont ever deal here again, cos no one would trust you,

there's nothing that you do that would make people change their opinion of you. maybe come back in 5-6 years time when hopefully you've matured into a good young man and (hopefully yet again) a great musician.

and there's a part of me that still think this guy's a troll.
cold_static544: there is no need for "flamboyant" language and definitely no need for condemnation :)

Just let him be. People do change, just need time. Don't be so pessimisstic.
Seriously just live and let live la, anyways who what position are you in to ask people to leave a public forum, it aint nice to do so. After all people just want to do their sales and stuff although the way he speak might be rather blunt and ends up insulting people without intention to.

PS: just an observation I realised some softies are just entering his threads just to type some really useless comments. Just clear up the animosity yea?
Lemme tell you the full story.
At 1st,when I 1st join Soft,I was finding a cheap electric guitar from $100-$130.
Well,the day after on my hunting,I go to Peninsula Davis Guitar Shop & buy the $199 Beginner budget is $120 but actually I have $200+.So the day after I bought the guitar,I am trying to sell it again coz my father said it is a noob guitar(something like that).I felt so angry & sad.So I try to sell it at a very high price around $300-$400.After I posted the thread,people start complaining that this thing only cost $100+.That day,I realize that I am a big fat liar & still,I apologize.
But,people kept flaming & keep it coming everyday.Then I make multiple accounts & act as normal to gain my trust again.But it doesn't work.So til now,I buy & sell guitars with the right price but still,flamed by others.And when they started flaming,new softies thought I am still a liar & I can't be trusted.
So,this thread should be the solution.THanks to guitarnoob1989.
Please ignore my thread & ignore me if I did something wrong to you guys.

Oh i see... then how do u get ur washburn and ur samick guitar in the 1st place?
Oh i see... then how do u get ur washburn and ur samick guitar?

Want me to tell the full story?

Continue the story..After few weeks later,it was Hari Raya.Then I got $250-$300.Then I bought the washburn for $230 from this guy.
Then I traded the washburn with a Les Paul with another guy.Well that time I hav SX & Les Paul.Then I traded my SX with a Samick+topup.Then the Les Paul I sold it for $50 & bought the warlock with my top up.And that is the full story.
He's a immature kid la guys, though he honestly does irritate me quite a bit..
i dont think he means any harm but he just can't express himself very well. For example, when he wanted to trade his $200ish guitar for perhaps a pedal or two the most (realistically). He said he wanted a full set of effects that a7x uses or perhaps to sound like them.
i think we should cut him some slack, and perhaps mods could tell him what NOT TO DO here in soft or ask him to get lost.

just a personal opinion
btw, civil defense.. hahah good one..
For example, when he wanted to trade his $200ish guitar for perhaps a pedal or two the most (realistically). He said he wanted a full set of effects that a7x uses or perhaps to sound like them.

thats because he doesnt know a crap abt it. because some ppl nvr bother to do their research.

anyway he has been given many many many many many many many many chances for all his mistakes already. he even insulted my mom publicly if u guys rmb. and i think we're all sick of it.

well, one day when i see pigs flying then i know he has changed.
hey , i got no issues with him..(Les paul)
actually his style of writing is the root of confusion.i guess if u speak with him im sure u can understand perfectly.Perhaps he is not familiar with forums and such ..

As he is young pls bear with him give give some love ..haha

god bless him :)
BUT i wonder y his dad doesnt gave him sound advise on guitar and amp since he is a guitarist as well ...

hence he seek help here and got ..something else ..
I have been reading every post here & also been following this dude's exploits. Here's my 2 cents on this matter:

1. What he did in the past, he has paid for in no uncertain terms.

2. If he is offering honest deals then no one should come in flame his threads. If it's a "doubtful" deal - PM him .. there could be other circumstances. No point to "flame" him unnecessarily.

3. Lesspaul - stick to one nick and have an honest & open policy from now on. Slowly but surely you will build other people's trust. I started the ball rolling by upping his points and accepting him in the FGL Kaki Nangers thread as a show of goodwill.

Cheerz ppl! :cool:
That is the spirit :) No wonder you are a true blue Arsenal fan *lol*

Super random reply to lighten the mood. Please don't flame me.