hey I dont like the way your last line is u should know your mistake and help rather than asking people to help u.Lemme tell you the full story.
At 1st,when I 1st join Soft,I was finding a cheap electric guitar from $100-$130.
Well,the day after on my hunting,I go to Peninsula Davis Guitar Shop & buy the $199 Beginner set.my budget is $120 but actually I have $200+.So the day after I bought the guitar,I am trying to sell it again coz my father said it is a noob guitar(something like that).I felt so angry & sad.So I try to sell it at a very high price around $300-$400.After I posted the thread,people start complaining that this thing only cost $100+.That day,I realize that I am a big fat liar & still,I apologize.
But,people kept flaming & keep it coming everyday.Then I make multiple accounts & act as normal to gain my trust again.But it doesn't work.So til now,I buy & sell guitars with the right price but still,flamed by others.And when they started flaming,new softies thought I am still a liar & I can't be trusted.
So,this thread should be the solution.THanks to guitarnoob1989.If you guys who wanna give me a yellow ribbon,sick & tired watching my threads everyday,please say ''Yes,but promise me not to be naughty.'' If you guys who don wanna give me a yellow riboon,please say ''No,keep it coming.''
But I think that we should also forgive azri as we are all human and we have mistakes:mrgreen:
Just my way of thinking