Say NO to thread spoilers

yeah someone mentioned and i see it clearly now. how them new guys stick together. haha... anyways, azri. u said u wanna continue the story?
Lemme tell you the full story.
At 1st,when I 1st join Soft,I was finding a cheap electric guitar from $100-$130.
Well,the day after on my hunting,I go to Peninsula Davis Guitar Shop & buy the $199 Beginner budget is $120 but actually I have $200+.So the day after I bought the guitar,I am trying to sell it again coz my father said it is a noob guitar(something like that).I felt so angry & sad.So I try to sell it at a very high price around $300-$400.After I posted the thread,people start complaining that this thing only cost $100+.That day,I realize that I am a big fat liar & still,I apologize.
But,people kept flaming & keep it coming everyday.Then I make multiple accounts & act as normal to gain my trust again.But it doesn't work.So til now,I buy & sell guitars with the right price but still,flamed by others.And when they started flaming,new softies thought I am still a liar & I can't be trusted.
So,this thread should be the solution.THanks to guitarnoob1989.
Please ignore my thread & ignore me if I did something wrong to you guys.

Haha, what a cute guy. Kudos to you for clarifying with those who flamed you.

Sometimes it gets a little confusing. And I imagine for people with a lot less experience than myself or you it will be much more dificult to grasp:) I just think people shouldn´t discuss the wrong way talking about music:) Music is fun, not a purpose for making enemies. We are all on the same side.
See you man.
Hahax, Buy-Sell is not music I suppose.. Soft used to be really nice.. with softies-help-softies thing..
Ah well, personally I have nothin' against flaming although I dont do it LoL
(By flaming, I mean "constructive comments")
If the price is good and the buyer is okay with the price then.. by all mean spoil!~ I will buy that item anyway..
I mean what if the item is a counterfeit or somethin like that..
Would soft consider notifyin fellow softies as 'spoiling'?
Items dont change and price can be negotiated so -- buyer happy seller happy~
Constructive comments should be made out of facts+logic.. NO personal opinion..
Like a guy tryin to sell $100+ retail at $300 is considered a scam..
Comment should be "This guitar is retailing at $100 at (location). This is too expensive."
A-hole style would be "!@#*( YOU, !@$(@# !@(*#(@"

PS: Personal opinion ^,^"
um... i hope not. >_> <_<

HAHAH shit. thats sick.

anw i havent been following this incident closely, but from what i know, this is just pointless-
all the flaming, apologizing, promises etc. anyone can easily type anything behind that computer screen. so i say. we just leave it behind us, forget this incident and hope things go back to normal, which im sure it will.
i mean, why get yourself angry over such stuff?
just my 0.02
if you find what he says, the prices he offers, the requests he make to be ridiculous, then just walk away.

if you feel that strongly about it, PM him point out to him what's wrong with his ideas and opinions.

otherwise flaming him in every single thread he makes only shows you to be way too free.

and i don't buy that "it is my duty to warn others that this guy is a big fat liar" --- because most of us here do know what stuff are worth and what they aren't worth, and those who don't, do the simple act of searching older threads to compare.

leave him alone already
Whoa, this is quite a big thing eh. Anyway, i personally get irritated by silly kids pretty easily. But anyway, he did no harm i guess, or should i say he failed to do any harm, since softies here know very well about market price. Ahaha.

I guess all he need to do is stop telling lies.

I dont flame people much, unless i have a very good reason to. When i first joined Soft, i got cheated (minor scam) by a dude too. But i didnt make a big fuss outtha it.

Anyway, give that silly kid a chance. If he dont stop telling lies and all. Then its eternal public humiliation for him. Ahaha.
if u ppl think that is all he did wrong u guys are wrong. he had much bigger offences in the past.

i dont think many ppl know this. but to me his biggest and worst offence was creating this acct called buckethead. claimed he is selling a gibson flying v and a marshall amp. and he wanted to trade for a washburn or craftsmen.

and innocent ppl for example, ep.tjan who sincerely were interested got cheated of their feelings. he even claimed he was from the us and had a band there.

in an argument with him via pm, he told me he was behind all this, and i insisted he admitted to everyone and apologise. but apparently he didnt.

now that is really downright wrong.
if u ppl think that is all he did wrong u guys are wrong. he had much bigger offences in the past.

i dont think many ppl know this. but to me his biggest and worst offence was creating this acct called buckethead. claimed he is selling a gibson flying v and a marshall amp. and he wanted to trade for a washburn or craftsmen.

and innocent ppl for example, ep.tjan who sincerely were interested got cheated of their feelings. he even claimed he was from the us and had a band there.

in an argument with him via pm, he told me he was behind all this, and i insisted he admitted to everyone and apologise. but apparently he didnt.

now that is really downright wrong.
Wow... So it was him after all... Thats horrid...

Anyway I read up a little on that post, from what I hear, its just a dishonest kid trying to let off some unwanted gear. If he's selling it at the acceptable price, forget it. No offense intended Azri, but after all that flaming/apologising etc., don't think you learnt your lesson, since its a repeated case of lies.
oh and i forgot to mention.

all that happened after he apologised for creating many accts and he swore nvr to lie again and to turn over a new leaf.

i asked him his motive and he said, he wanted to "test who are the greedy ones"

i still have the pm to prove it.

this is the reason why i still cannot trust him. he can say sorry and sincerely mean it this time, but no matter what. we will still have our benefit of doubt