satch really needs ur help

imo... intro sounds a little - ronin? i reckon levan could snarl/scream the melody anyway... hahaha.

the arpeggio part sounds odd.

solo - hmm imo a more metal tone would sound nice. a little repetitive - could do with more interesting phrasing towards the latter portions.

yes a chorus is begging... haha.

overall nice work! :D
satch, I am 100% sure you heard Megadeth's Dread and the Fugitive Mind prior to writing this.
In fact, it almost sounds like a carbon copy. Sorry I HAVE to point this out...
even the lyrics bear some similarity..c'mon man...
Vaiyen wrote
satch, I am 100% sure you heard Megadeth's Dread and the Fugitive Mind prior to writing this.

hmmm...may not be entirely true...there was once, i was yakking away, nothing much to do, and then i composed a song, "that face". it was like when i was in p6? and back then, i couldn't even play a 'c' chord properly. but the tune was right in my head, and i still can recall everything..

anyway, the song stayed in my head, and a shocking thing happened when i was in sec 2/3. Final Destination 2, Blank Theory's middle of nowhere. it was identical...except for differences here n there...but the way the melody was phrased was like...-,-!!!

well..funny things happen..but i don't believe in course, satch has heard it...and if he says no..well..i believe him. =)
u noe wat? first i think i have to congratulate u on ur first song.. second.. i think wat u need for this song.. is ur feel abt this song.. wat do u wanna potray? wat do u wan to convey in this song?? wat makes u write those tunes?? next.. the melodies tht u have composed.. does it have special meaning? is there something u wanna tell the pple whu are listening to it? the key idea is.. to think abt wat u wanna say... most imptly wat do u feel when u wrte this song... be it.. bored, sad, angry.... watever... ask urself tht question.. i personally feel tht it lacks the msg tht u are trying to convey... or rather.. the feel of the song is not there... other than tht.. i am cool with it... but of cuz it can be better.. keep it up man..
sofyan : thanks for checking it out

thor 666 : i sent it to levan, haha, he didnt say it sounded like ronin. and yea, the solo was improvised, i have yet to map some melodic points out yet, and yes boss, it needs a chorus. haha, thanks man.

vaiyen : seriously, i have nv heard dread and the fugitive mind. only megadeth song i ever heard was a tout la mond, which maybe sounds a little like it?. ill listen to it later though, haha, seems i am a sublimal megadeth fan? the earlier posts people said i sound like symphony of destruction.

rockito : ill check out the song.

mulyadi : thanks a lot for all ur comments

nomis, thanks for ur advice, and i ll probably need some help from a super composer clud member like u! haha, msn me and give me some personal pointers pls?
mulyadi said:
Vaiyen wrotewell..funny things happen..but i don't believe in course, satch has heard it...and if he says no..well..i believe him. =)

well, yea, funny things do happen. But download the Megadeth song and then form your opinion.
erm , the talking part was kinda funny... lol
and the arpeggiated bit sounded like a power metal version of RHCP's zephyer song...
alright, i jst dled the song, and i have to admit, it does sound similar.

and the tone, yea, im tweaking. hahaha, and still thinking of adding a chorus and bridge.

what do u guys think?
I wouldn't want to continue if I were you...since it already resembles a famous song from a famous band....
If I come up with a riff that I feel is too similar to somethibg I've heard before, I'll scrap it without a second thought. But that's just me la.

Feel free to add new parts. But make sure they're drastically different.
well, honestly though, even if i base it away from dread, there are so many hitz in the world and pooff, without knwing, next, people could be telling me i sound like britney? haha, i wont be able to write anything then would i?
the probability u would sound like someone else is very low man if u're open to all kinds of music. aniwei u got lots of opinions / comments here. take it or leave it, its up to u.

whatever it is, juz believe in yourself. if u're taking too much comments/opinions from other ppl, it wont be your masterpiece animore. be original.
yupz, wise words there. bt my main pt was nt asking people to give me comments on hw to write songs, bt rather hw to improve the one that i posted. neither do i intend to follow people's full advice on hw to write future stuff, cos, i totally agree with u that if i do follow people, it wont be original and it wont be ME.

however, there's has been some advice that i have found useful here and i would defintely use it to spice up what i already have.

so, thanks everyone for ur kind words and advice and comments.

i try to work something up and post back on soon. till then. CHEERS
I enjoyed it. Very mustaine-influenced (to me), but a friendlier version. Tone has less bites, and i mean the guitar riffs as well as vocals! hey satch, u definitely have to sound more brutal, more vicious, more fierce.... and i mean more fierce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: try kek out that voice, else squeeze your balls real hard when you sing :lol:

the riffs sounds the best to me, nice work...
ok now where's my cookie? :smt003
Of course. It's your song. Do with it what you want.
so never heard Dread before this? This is uncanny.