Sadowsky Metro


New member
Some pics of my new Sadowsky Metro. Finally here.


Haha yeah thanks guys its really really sweet. :)

From order till delivery approx 7 months!!! It was supposed to ship in Dec 08 but this batch got delayed till Feb 09.

Worth the wait though... I'm liking it more and more.

I've been using my old Yamaha for like 7 years so the initial few days I needed a little adjustment.

I sent it to Malcolm for a tweak as well as to raise the action abit. It comes with fantastically low action but I prefer a slightly higher action.

After adjusting the action, I felt right at home. Felt like an old friend. Its really really great. The body has some serious resonance going on. The feel of the neck is also superb. The neck/body joint is also extremely well fit. Superb workmanship.

Roger Sadowsky is an extremely extremely nice guy. Answered ALL my questions very promptly. Can't say enough nice things about him.

i was thinking to myself how come from the pics the action is quite high, i would expect sadowsky to be really nice low action and comfortable... but then i read that you took it malcom to raise the action :)

nice bass you got there!