Sadowsky Metro

Yah status. But the older one..

Trace elliot/status t-bass

Isn't that like extremely rare? Limited series? Or are they making re-issues now?

Btw I played the Sadowsky for about an hour last night and I'm really digging the passive tone too.. very very nice balanced and round sound without too much highs or lows. It just sounds so 'natural'.... Haha!! With the pre-amp on, the sound is actually quite the same except for the emphasised lows and treble... for noodling around I think I actually prefer the passive tone!!

Just for fun I switched back to my Yamaha after about an hour and holy smokes! the difference between the basses is like night and day... don't think I can play my Yamaha anymore... lol. Wonder how I survived the last many years...
Haha. Yah, i rarely turn on the pres on my t-bass. However, i feel i cant get that solid and defined "oomph" when slapping without the pres. And theres noise when i turn it on. I've got it checked. And the pres are indeed dying.

And yes my t-bass is the older wood neck ones. Bought it from a nice guy here.
Yup the Sadowsky definitely has more oomph as well with the preamp on... gives the low end a real kick if you want it to... makes the sound more hi-fi so its great for slap with the sadowsky pre.. I think that is one of the things the Sadowskys are famous for- their slap tone.

However I'm digging the passive tone as well. More 'natural'... couple it with a nice tube amp and I think I'm in bass heaven.. haha..

btw I'm noodling my bass on my Fender Twin Reverb... I checked with the guys in talkbass and they said its a fine amp to play bass on... full tube-y goodness! It actually sounds much warmer running the bass through this than the hartke we have in church. I have to turn down the treble on the twin to around 4 to get rid of some of the 'clack' and mids and lows are at 5. But I leave the 'bright' switch on so as to hear all the 'snap' of the bass. Volume is at like 2 1/2 to save the neighbours. I'll probably have to get a 4ohm bass cab to plug the Twin into soon though to get better sound and save the Twin's speakers... :)
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so about the Sadowsky pre I don't think it colours the tone of the bass very much... it just adds oomph to the bottom end and top end.. :) The basic of tone of my bass is actually unchanged.
Hahaha. Welcome to the world of good pres... I swear by my Aguilar preamps for the same reason.

Anyway regarding your Twin... if you don't mind doing a ridiculous amount of surgery, it is possible to rehouse the pre/power section of the amp in a separate head like a Bassman. I've seen it done before with another Fender amp on TB a year or two ago and it looked pretty neat :)
Hahaha. Welcome to the world of good pres... I swear by my Aguilar preamps for the same reason.

Anyway regarding your Twin... if you don't mind doing a ridiculous amount of surgery, it is possible to rehouse the pre/power section of the amp in a separate head like a Bassman. I've seen it done before with another Fender amp on TB a year or two ago and it looked pretty neat :)

Haha eeks no way man! I know its possible but my twin is an original 1969 silverface so think its best to leave it in its nicely seasoned pine cab. :) It's circuit has been blackfaced though. :)