Sadowsky Metro

About the action, when I first got it it was setup extremely low. When I brought it to Malcolm he also agreed that the action was extremely low.

Since I'm used to higher action and prefer to 'dig' a little, I told Malcolm to adjust it up higher for me. He also put in a tiny bit of relief cause the neck was extremely straight coming from Sadowsky. He put in a bit of forward bow to give the strings more room to vibrate.

Depends on your own personal preference lah. For me, that's how I like it. Probably due to my poor technique. haha. :)
Advice from an article by Roger Sadowsky:

"Roger cautions, though, that you should not be tempted by the idea of duplicating a particular pro's setup. It doesn't matter how other players set up their basses, he says. What matters is how you need your bass set up for your style."

yeah when you setup there is supposed to be a slight relief on the neck off a perfectly straight neck, with the action slightly raised. this is supposed to reduce fret buzz. but the exact amount of deviation depends on the strength of your attack. different people will have different attack.

i wouldn't pay someone to change my strings or polish my guitar either (and such services DO exist, believe it or not). all you need are 2 allen keys and patience. it's as easy as turning a screw. you would be setting up your guitar every time you change strings. bass strings are not cheap either.

proper maintenance of a guitar would be to loosen the strings when in transit. loosening the strings would have an effect on the bow of the neck. to avoid that you would loosen the truss as well. this is to compensate in fluctuations in the weather when you transport your bass. you wouldn't want to pull a bass out of a gig bag to find that the neck has cracked or warped, that would be horrible.

one does not have to be a good player to deserve an expensive, delicate instrument, as long as he knows how to maintain it.
whoa .. nearly fell off my chair. hahaha ... beautiful bass bro.

yuujin! come on man ... you only live once .. aren't you suppose to go japan and get a Sadowsky yourself!? ...
yeah when you setup there is supposed to be a slight relief on the neck off a perfectly straight neck, with the action slightly raised. this is supposed to reduce fret buzz. but the exact amount of deviation depends on the strength of your attack. different people will have different attack.

i wouldn't pay someone to change my strings or polish my guitar either (and such services DO exist, believe it or not). all you need are 2 allen keys and patience. it's as easy as turning a screw. you would be setting up your guitar every time you change strings. bass strings are not cheap either.

proper maintenance of a guitar would be to loosen the strings when in transit. loosening the strings would have an effect on the bow of the neck. to avoid that you would loosen the truss as well. this is to compensate in fluctuations in the weather when you transport your bass. you wouldn't want to pull a bass out of a gig bag to find that the neck has cracked or warped, that would be horrible.

one does not have to be a good player to deserve an expensive, delicate instrument, as long as he knows how to maintain it.

thanks shinobi you just gave me an idea. I went out to buy a 6 inch metal rule yesterday and now I think I'm able to do my own setups. Cool. :)

My E string is 3/32 height, G string is 2/32 inch. That's pretty good I think. Still feels a little low though. May adjust it higher later.
Haha thanks for the comments! :) I think the bass has got a nicely focused mid-range tone together with a tight bottom. It sounds really sweet too, probably because of the nice woods used. Together with a killer neck and killer finish it really is a nice bass!

I'm not much of a slapper - I'm brushing up at the moment so I'll post some slap bass clips as soon as I feel I'm good enough... :)

in the meanwhile, check out this youtube clip of a Sadowsky in funk/slap action.. one of my favourite youtube videos. Got me gassing for an Eden head as well!!!
oh you mean you shipped it in yourself? maybe getting TYMC to ship one in would be cheaper.

i'm loving the Sadowsky tone. it's like a Jazz on steroids. maybe i can get that with my preamp...
yup mine was ordered directly from Sadowsky in New York. Just have to give them an email and fill in their order form.

Yeah its a world of a difference from my old Yamaha BB604 bass. It just feels so much more refined. Sounds alot better too even in passive mode. Not that my Yamaha was bad, just that this one is much better. Worth the bucks. :)