refer to previous posts- the 320X was mentioned...
neuro182 said:The-Warlord: I tink I got the perfect match for your search.
Ibanez SA320X
The thing is if I get the S470, ill have 250 to spend on new pickups - sub, for a heavy metal lea guitar with a thick sound, based on niceness of playability, and an overall, would you either take the SA320X and not have any new pickups for 6 months or have the 470QXM with..2 new pickups (can i get 2 dimarzio pickups for 200 bucks?)subversion said:you can definitely swap the pickups. hear them yourself, they aren't fantastic, just acceptable.
subversion said:IMO both the SA320X/ S470 pickups sound midrange inclined.
neuro182 said:Sidetrack
Let me ask a question : usually u guys use neck pickup to shred or bridge pickup to shred?
Which kinda pickup is for wich position?
Which kinda pickup is for wich position?