S-League... anyone?

Haha, but seriously S League aint that intresting,
it isnt appealing enough to our local viewers, I hope they can do something about it
or even better, get most S'poreans to support the S League
i would love to watch and support our league,but the prob is i have no 'kakis' la..going to watch matches alone is so boring.anyone here living in yishun wants to watch match in yishun stadium with me?
I live in Yishun, actually khatib....
I go to Super Reds match once in a while with my friends
Its fun to watch the Super Reds play, coz they are winning, haha
And I do see some enthusiasm in the fans, n i mean SOME
dont take this the wrong way guys ...but I like totally cannot relate to S-League .... local matches faded off for me affter the Malaysia cup fever days...

I still would go down & support our ntional team though ... patriotic mah ....
last night's Gombak vs SAFFC match was one of the non-boring matches this season (thusfar)- glad to have watched it.

however, it's a sorry sight that a non-S'pore team is heading the table...
well when i found this thread, i'm quite surprised to see people who supports local music but not local football. ok ok it may not be the same thing after all.

but, i cant really stand the thought of people who dwell about ourselves still being in the m-league/m-cup. i mean, look at malaysia's football state right now, the national team did awfully crap at the asian cup and flunked out of the world cup qualifiers very early on.

and Kedah and Perak were thrashed 6-1 and 5-1 respectively by SAFFC and Home Utd one month ago.

that really says alot

and to be thought that the S-League is the 5th best league in Asia!!!

just behind Japan,Korea,Saudi Arabia and Qatari...

even the chinese league is way, way behind
S league has potential.!!

Its nice to watch it on tv but its just the vast empty seats in the stadium makes it lack that ommmph.


3/4 full or full stadium pumps the player up more,makes better atmosphere,give them that 'semagat'(motivation..I think)..too play better!

Like if we do a gig,with so many people watching,we naturally wanna perform better.Not that we don't want to in the first place but with that huge crowd,it gives u that adrenaline to just BAM!!