ROCKON @ DXO 29th december 1pm-7pm

but then again, when i go for gigs, i see bands that never treasure the opportunity to perform, albeit the selling of tickets..

come on, rock on!!
bahh. Our set got cut short. And the crew cut into our set up time too. Abit too many bands for a gig that's from 1-7 imo.
ah..nvm if our set got cut short la.. i freaking hate the roland amp.. keep dying on me and has a cracking sound... screwed up bad today..:(
yeah.. stacks at dxo!!
btw, i think its only the roland amp that has the cracking problem, any other guitarists have the same problem too?
hmm when i played today.... i used that roland amp, i dont know if its me or what, but it was kinda soft as well. I could barely hear myself o.0
hey all that came from rockon and the bands that played. it was amazing, seriously a very nice show from all the bands. you guys were tight, fake eyelash, mercy restraint just to name a few. nice stuff. but most of all we would really like to thank you guys who made it down for our set at 6pm and mosh your arse off. although we had some drum difficulties and didn't managed to play a full set. you guys still supported us all the way. we really appreciate it man. TO EVERYONE, ROCKON. YALA, THE AMP AND DRUMS A LIL COCK UP. HAHAHA
i dont know but the amps in my house sound worlds better than the ones at dxo , THANK GOD FOR MARSHALL STACKS and Gibson les pauls . i used the roland amp yesterday , really sucked .
JIGSMARC thanks for the comment...
but hey Ebonyscall you guys were great on set....
yeah i know u guys had some difficulties durin the set but hey u gus gave us a hell of a great time!!!
hope to share the stage more wit you guys!!!
on behalf of Fake Eyelash
aniwae a big thank you to all those bands and audience who supported us yesterday!!!
on bealf of Fake Eyelash.
HEY. thanks mannnn. but seriously. the support you guys gave made the difference. all the energy. SERIOUSLY AWESOME MAN. YEA. LET'S SHARE THE STAGE MORE! =)

Bryan from shotgun start(opening band) here.
Aye man thanks for having us and we'll see you guys soon, bringing back the balls to rock!
Gotta have a better sound system..


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