ROCKON @ DXO 29th december 1pm-7pm

selling 30 tix is ok..
atleast we must get commision since we sell the tix and we perform till we sweat like pig..
at least the tix at the door is $12..why not bands sell $10 per tix..and the other $2 is our commision..its fair enuf..since we're the ones who bring the crowd and we're the ones who make the crowd happy..
selling tix should be the organisers' job...
they should have a marketing/promotion team that should be doing this...
the bands can buy the tickets from the organisers on behalf of their friends,families,etc...
this in a way help the organisers to sell a portion of the tix as well...
while the bulk of it,i suppose the promo team shud be trying to get the general public to buy...
itz held in a i guess a few posters can be put up there to promote the gig...
since they gt a deal with the club for the gig,i guess a few ads shudn't be a problem...

well...this is what i feel is best for everyone...

honestly, i played under them for quite awhile, prolly around early this year? and selling 30tix is hell alotta work for young bands. these gigs are usually played by students who have passion and interest for playing music and yet the organisers are sub-consciously putting them down. They are just trying to promote themselves but yet they have to pay for the tix that are unsold. and yes the problem with frens who cant turn up on the last minute is very frustrating for the bands. how can they put up a good show if they are worrying about the unsold tix. these young bands are very inexperienced and to put them with all that stress is really unhealthy to young bands. how can they be put up with such stress when theres other things to worry about such as how do they dress, are they gna put up a good show. ensuring they're songs are tight. this are the problems that young and budding bands are facing and these organisers are somehow trying to put them down and adding to their stress by selling tix. and also the organisers could at least help to promote the gig by putting up posters on the net, myspace etc etc. printing isnt required really. people go ard the net to find these kinda gig where they can see and hear music from local people. the local music industry is honestly standing still and prolly with the organisers doing that its dying really. its not fair that the bands have to do all their work for them. the bands are the one who are playing, theyre the one who bring in the crowd etc etc. and plus the 30mins(including setup) isnt really enuf. you guys really have to think. for the sake of our music industry and the local music scene. in the end we see the same bands playing again and again. wouldnt it be great if theres a whole lot of other bands playing and bringing up singapore local music scene?
honestly, i played under them for quite awhile, prolly around early this year? and selling 30tix is hell alotta work for young bands. these gigs are usually played by students who have passion and interest for playing music and yet the organisers are sub-consciously putting them down. They are just trying to promote themselves but yet they have to pay for the tix that are unsold. and yes the problem with frens who cant turn up on the last minute is very frustrating for the bands. how can they put up a good show if they are worrying about the unsold tix. these young bands are very inexperienced and to put them with all that stress is really unhealthy to young bands. how can they be put up with such stress when theres other things to worry about such as how do they dress, are they gna put up a good show. ensuring they're songs are tight. this are the problems that young and budding bands are facing and these organisers are somehow trying to put them down and adding to their stress by selling tix. and also the organisers could at least help to promote the gig by putting up posters on the net, myspace etc etc. printing isnt required really. people go ard the net to find these kinda gig where they can see and hear music from local people. the local music industry is honestly standing still and prolly with the organisers doing that its dying really. its not fair that the bands have to do all their work for them. the bands are the one who are playing, theyre the one who bring in the crowd etc etc. and plus the 30mins(including setup) isnt really enuf. you guys really have to think. for the sake of our music industry and the local music scene. in the end we see the same bands playing again and again. wouldnt it be great if theres a whole lot of other bands playing and bringing up singapore local music scene?

Totally. Granted organisers have to earn profits/break even as well, however some consideration should be put in for band welfare, especially because of our majority youth bands. Compromises should be made, and bands not FORCED to sell off all their tickets. It's just like telling them to buy their way into a gig.

What happened to the old days where people just gathered at a decent, (not necessarily wonderful) venue and just went there to chill out and enjoy music. Much has changed since the music days of our parents... haha.
I only need one sentence to settle this.

Did i force anyone to agree to sell 30 tixs?

I think its only resonable to want 300 people to attend a gig at such a large venue which has a maximum cap of 1000+. To attain that number each band has to sell 30 tixs. Noone is forced to sign up. All bands who sign up are properly informed of the outcome of not selling all 30 tixs before they agree to the gig. Rockon and ultrasounds are a different sort of gig compared to gigs like deafcon which has well known bands with an exisiting fan base compared to the less known bands(mostly) that performs for Rockon and ultrasounds. I find it almost impossible for me to sell tixs to the public asking them to attend a gig of such nature.

I feel as long as noone was forced into the gig no negitive comments should be said.

Thank you.
i agree wif ajim.theorb n thecrimnson. i went to one of the ultrasound concerts b4. had a band performing there. most of the bands performing then was death metal. my friend had to sell 30 tix at 12 each. he ended up selling a few at 10 bucks which meant he didnt earn any commision n still in the end his band had to pay for the remaining tix sold. maybe i think if each tix is sold at 8 bucks , minimum of 20 wud be quite ok. just my 2 cents
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yeah...agreed that selling tickets is hard..
but the venue is DXO!!
kinda hard to lower the price right?
but imo, i feel that we should be able to return the tickets after we have sold the 30tickets or more if those tickets cannot be sold, like friend last minute pang seh..
but hey, it is possible that you rockon and ultrasound organisers to put up some kind of ads and stuff to allow smooth selling of tix. even if there if no fanbase or whatsoever the organisers can put up thier own so that these unknown bands can be heard. in that way prolly more tix can be sold. and rockon and ultrasound gigs can be as important to people in the local industry as the big shots ones like deafcon. it can be such a way that these gigs is the place where bigger organisers can source out new and upcoming bands. and im sure with that in hand we can put in more people to come, not like the current 300. is that what you mean? its true that you did not force people to sell the tix and with all the conditions stated. but do young bands really have any idea? its kinda sad. this is what is really happening to the local music scene. how can we really grow? be informed that I emphasize on the "young bands" cos really there're the one who are putting up good shows and bringing in crowds tat prolly are their first time watching a gig. first impressiond do really count uh bro. how can we get supporters to came and support local music when their first time is really bad? im not really complaining but im voicing out what should be done and what is done but not enough effort that could be put in.
it's not that bands have to sell tickets that spoils the scene.

it's that bands that aren't ready to play, get to play, because there is no quality control.

people see bad performances and get put off local music forever.

it is okay for an organizer to want to make money; but to me, it is not okay for an organizer to allow himself to be in a situation where he doesn't need to care about the quality of the gig with his name on it.

my two cents, both as a performer and an organizer.
I only need one sentence to settle this.

I feel as long as noone was forced into the gig no negitive comments should be said.

Thank you.

Perhaps you may view these replies in a different light.
Say... Helpful comments to better the gig/SUFFERING MUSIC SCENE?
aiya.. everyone rent a drum and sound system go orchard and busk lo. large crowd, good atmosphere. =) free publicity somemore..

you need to get a getaway van if you are lazy to get the busking licence .
I just want to know something, does the organizer sell tickets too? Like mass advertising, and do they hire people to sell the tickets and promote this event?
yes we do, as organisers sell the tickets and advertise for the event as well.
im sorry but i do not agree with whoever saying that organisers should sell tickets and all bands should be doing is going to the venue, play music, get some applause and then off. have you ever considered how tough it is for the organiser to be responsible for EVERYTHING that happens during a gig, to be sure the bands are there, to help them if they need extra equipment? We DO help bands, or at least try to, within our means to help if they have any problems at all. As organisers, its hard for us to please EVERYBODY at evry gig. Its hard for us to make sure everything goes smoothly. And as a band if your mindset is stuck to just playing and not doing anything else besides advertise the event youre playing for, well apparently you have the wrong idea of expanding and going far with your band.

Im sorry if I offended anyone but I just want you to know that just because organisers look like we're not doing anything doesnt mean we're not.
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You dont lay it on an organiser to improve on the scene, when the main spotlight is on the music and the organiser is the person to arrange everything. So far Ultrasounds and Rockons have been pretty smooth.

You dont give back your tickets to the organisers if you cannot sell it just cos your friends decided not to turn up in the end. 2 things. 1. Organisers pay for the remaining tickets that are not being able to be sold, esp at clubs. 2. If your friend decided not to come, don't tell me they had something so impt to go for that they couldnt come for just half an hour to see your set. Or are you good enough?

Everytime a gig goes wrong or something happens, its ALWAYS the organisers that get the blame. look at other threads going on about how organisers should have done this, done that and noone ever thought that maybe the gig-goers or there might be other causes that might have caused whatever mishaps that happened.

Its an organiser's job to make sure evrything goes right, but if something does go wrong, its not as if we plan for bad things to happen, do we.

And lets say you see a poster sent to your myspace or wherever about 12 bands playing, and you dont know a single one. how likely are you to turn up for the gig? We organisers for Rockon& Ultrasound is to give opportunities to bands who are new to play and let them have the chance to gain more exposure. Think about it, youre an unknown band, your friends dont know whether they should attend, noone knows who you are on the gig poster, whose gonna attend? It'd be a lose-lose situation.

There are certain bands who played for Ultrasound& got called back by DXO to perform for their parties, and even more gigs.

By you selling tickets, in a way its your job to improve your scene, and letting people into the scene. and if you were performing well, people talk and word'd get out.
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One good reason why you need to sell 30 tickets for this kind of gig.

1. Your band is unknown and this is not like deafcon where the gig is full of known bands therefore noone knows what you are playing and I don't think they will even bother to come to watch you.

2. You have to promote your own band yourself by selling the tickets and not leave everything to the organizer.

3. If you don't want to sell the tickets then don't sell at all and just pay the $300+ for the tickets yourself or don't play at all.

4. It is your choice to choose to play or not, noone is forcing you because there are still organizers out there who organize gigs that don't require you to sell any tickets at all.

5. If your band is not tight and you want people to come watch you and you don't want to sell any tickets, it doesn't make sense at all you know?

I know 30 tickets is a bit cruel la... but come on you got to see things differently sometime and not always be one-sided. Just my 0.0000000000001 cents

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