You dont lay it on an organiser to improve on the scene, when the main spotlight is on the music and the organiser is the person to arrange everything. So far Ultrasounds and Rockons have been pretty smooth.
You dont give back your tickets to the organisers if you cannot sell it just cos your friends decided not to turn up in the end. 2 things. 1. Organisers pay for the remaining tickets that are not being able to be sold, esp at clubs. 2. If your friend decided not to come, don't tell me they had something so impt to go for that they couldnt come for just half an hour to see your set. Or are you good enough?
Everytime a gig goes wrong or something happens, its ALWAYS the organisers that get the blame. look at other threads going on about how organisers should have done this, done that and noone ever thought that maybe the gig-goers or there might be other causes that might have caused whatever mishaps that happened.
Its an organiser's job to make sure evrything goes right, but if something does go wrong, its not as if we plan for bad things to happen, do we.
And lets say you see a poster sent to your myspace or wherever about 12 bands playing, and you dont know a single one. how likely are you to turn up for the gig? We organisers for Rockon& Ultrasound is to give opportunities to bands who are new to play and let them have the chance to gain more exposure. Think about it, youre an unknown band, your friends dont know whether they should attend, noone knows who you are on the gig poster, whose gonna attend? It'd be a lose-lose situation.
There are certain bands who played for Ultrasound& got called back by DXO to perform for their parties, and even more gigs.
By you selling tickets, in a way its your job to improve your scene, and letting people into the scene. and if you were performing well, people talk and word'd get out.