Rocker ban because of past crime..

Fuad is my friend living near my place... Skate together for quite sometime and I personally thinks he sings betta in a metal band..... CRAP to Yellow Ribbon B*LLS*&T!! He deserve a 2nd chance.....
just out of words to the management of the event.hope they reconsider their decision to drop him.
hahah if you think the yellow ribbin project was a flop , then what is the stop at two policy hahah
wat the hell r u guys tokin about?

alrdy as it is, in band competitions here, the winners are alrdy finalised.

so wat more man?

there is no such thing as 2nd or 3rd chance.

we must always look at the individual as a new person.

yellow ribbon? man, watever happen to the Lance Amrstrong yellow bands?
wat the hell r u guys tokin about?

alrdy as it is, in band competitions here, the winners are alrdy finalised.

so wat more man?

there is no such thing as 2nd or 3rd chance.

we must always look at the individual as a new person.

yellow ribbon? man, watever happen to the Lance Amrstrong yellow bands?


what the hell are YOU talking about??

Actually, it's society and it doesn't only apply to criminals.
Those in the Normal Acad/Tech stream will understand. You get the worst teachers, trainee teachers. And most teachers look down on you. Why? Cause the school claims that they don't want to deter the express stream student's studies. Like as if it's not a damn deterrence to the normal stream.
It's all really just bullcrap.
wat the hell r u guys tokin about?

alrdy as it is, in band competitions here, the winners are alrdy finalised.

so wat more man?

there is no such thing as 2nd or 3rd chance.

we must always look at the individual as a new person.

yellow ribbon? man, watever happen to the Lance Amrstrong yellow bands?

Krist honestly speaking, without any intention of malice, many of your replies on this forum are very random and hard to understand. The one above is one of them.

Back on topic, yeah it is such a shame. Ridiculous.

what the school thinks is
Express=Future Presidents

But 1! thing that'll never change, is the Maths teacher.
a damn mighty this what they meant by equality,justice and fair chances??

c'mon,everybody turned the wrong corners a couple of times....we should help them get back on track...everyone deserve a 2nd chance..even a 3rd chance

P.S. Krist,what the hell are you talking about?damn off-topic
Hi guys. apologise if i came off as unclear.

what i meant to say was, the said individual shld not be judged by his past criminal conviction.

but i suppose u have to blame the practice that we currently have in our legal system today.

the burden of proof lies on the accused unless proven innocent.

in another light, u guys post comments like 'oh, i dun get u la, no link la, so random la'.

but if i was a female, wld u guys have done what u did?

in your O level english comprehension section, if u are baffled at the question cos u do not have a clear understanding of the passage, r u gonna write the following in the answer column?

a) sorry. i dun get the question. its too deep. its random. there's no link.

anyways, i was tying to link that to a recent band competition being Powerjam 2008.

if they had alrdy decided who the eventual winner was going to be, why get everyone else's hopes up and then tell them that so-and-so was the winner?

guyrence is a funny guy. i have some history with him. but yeah, we'll leave it at that. cos end of the day, the truth always surfaces. and what comes ard, goes ard.

he's kinda mellowed down in the forum. cld be an image conscious problem.

either way, intellectual property is a cool, cool subject!
shame on the organisers. but it's a fact that people ARE judged by what they did in the past. everyone does it at some level, it's sad but true

krist: now, how has this conversation led to intellectual property??

and what you said isn't deep at all, it just makes no sense whatsoever. it's like you're posting what you say to yourself in your head and expecting everyone else to form the links. is your brain wired to the keyboard? hahaha, i see you like to think you're deep. you're a funny guy