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ROS is a great experience!!
ROS is a great experience!!

true,i really dont like bands do the covers too much,that will make me lost the interest.JoshuaG said:I am willing to pay
JoshuaG said:I am willing to pay and see any local band, of certain quality and standard of course...but what I would hate to see is a local band whose set has more covers than originals...its rock on singapore and if the aim is to get more people to appreciate local music for what it is...then get bands with strong originals..and no one can deny that there is an abundance of originals...I hate to see a local band come on stage and the first thing they play is a cover or a montage of covers...if I wanted the cover, I'd stay home and listen to my CDs or the radio...
Just my two cents... 8)
purplehaze3691 said:I hope that the committee of ROS 2 would include Rudra again or another metal bands that is of Rudra standard. It is time Singapore get to see more good local metal bands.
HeartRockSingapore said:Is Yamakashii J-Rock?
HeartRockSingapore said:this is what makes ROS special. You make call it rojak, buffet, or anything, but ROS wants to promote more integration among genre.