rock music kills?!?! LITERALLY?!?!


New member
i read this article many years ago only to stumble upon the same website again. so i decided to post it here since i didn't know about SOFT that many years ago haha.
apparantly the article talks about how ROCK MUSIC can kill someone or alter their mood and watever.

it's quite a long article but please take some time to read everything and feel free to post your comments and your feelings. :D

here u go!!

on a side note, i feel that rock music is a genre many pple enjoy. it's IN us. but i don't think this article's gonna make me delete all my rock/prog rock/metal songs from my harddisk.

this article involves abit of religious stuff from christianity. so please, watch what u say. don't make this discussion turn into a religious fight or something. some things can be quite sensitive. have an open mind and post sensibly and we'll all have a good time with the discussion!! 8)

Perhaps the article failed to mentioned that although music affects everyone, it affects them at different degrees. If the article is true and Rock music is indeed evil and it kills people, then perhaps I wouldn't have been here sitting and typing this, since I would have already killed myself over ACDC, KISS, Led Zep and other hard rock / blues bands.

While the example of plants is quite believable (I've heard people talk about it before), the writer should realise that we aren't plants. We have the ability to think. While we are living beings just like plants, plants can't 'think', per se, but we can. So Rock music when fed to us like gas to a car, doesn't always yield bad results.

And the point about jumping out and down while listening to Rock music is quite comical. As a drummer, I'd like to think that I'm counting out my beats in a more highly energized way. Back when I was listening to Pop and Punk, I'd tap my foot or air drum and generally go crazy for a bit. Does that mean that Pop and Punk is bad too because it makes me more energized? So what if Rock charges me up more than Pop or Punk? The whole argument is quite a fallacy. I could have a female opera singer screech her highest possible note and it'd break a piece of glass the same way guitars can when played at some impossibly high note.

But, while I myself am Christian and I go to church and listen to christian hymns and what have you, I personally do not see anything wrong with music. True, some riffs and tunes have that sinister ring in them, but it's not like I go round going "DUm, DUm Dum, DUMMMMMMM" all the time or something. Music affects different people. Not right to generalize everything.
i already want to kill people reading it. :P

read the article again. see how many factual evidence is there. think and decide for yourself how many sentences are neutral, and how many are overly explorated.

music is not neutral. if music is neutral, we wouldn't EVER want to listen to music.

there's a lot of articles written by "Christians" - let yourself decide whether they are - that say dinosaurs were in the bible, that the fender strat is satanic due to the two horns of the guitar body, that rock music is satanic, etc etc.
"Perhaps the article failed to mentioned that although music affects everyone, it affects them at different degrees. If the article is true and Rock music is indeed evil and it kills people, then perhaps I wouldn't have been here sitting and typing this, since I would have already killed myself over ACDC, KISS, Led Zep and other hard rock / blues bands. "

exactly wat i had in mind!!

about the plants part. i think u misinterpreted. i think the article was trying to say.. since the music affects the plant.. it must have somehow have affected the cells in the plants even though it doesn't have a brain unlike humans. and i think they are trying to say that since affects plant cells.. i can somehow affect our human cells too.

about the part u said about headbanging or tapping your foot or watever. i think the article means that the music is like a drug in a way to cause u have such highly energetic emotions. which is its 'drug symptoms'. :roll:
sidenote: on the plants and music things, there was an episode on mythbusters. plants fed with heavy metal music grew bigger and had tastier fruit then plants fed with classical music. heh
I totally agree. Rock/metal do make me head bang like times and Emo songs really make me wanna do a dive-out of the window kind of feeling. But the world is realistic, you gotta think for yourselves. At least i know how to think, and not going to commit suicide after a song on "stairway to heaven or fade to black"
ISIT?!?!? HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED THAT EPISODE!! haha i love the mythbusters show. good to hear that those plants bear tastier fruits. could it mean i'll be fatter after being blasted at by metal? haha

i find that the article has a very strong tone against rock.. sounds so.. propaganda-ish. haha oh well..
mattleesc said:
sidenote: on the plants and music things, there was an episode on mythbusters. plants fed with heavy metal music grew bigger and had tastier fruit then plants fed with classical music. heh

awesome. that means we'll all grow bigger nuts... :lol:
I closed the article as soon as the christian part came in .. No offense to any christians out there, but i hate it when christians try to make you read something like a neutral article but then at the end it starts talking bout jesus and stuff ...
I have a brother who went to a mission school and he told about how this one time when they had some kind of "devil's music awareness day" where they showed some video that made the same arguments about :evil: evil :evil: rock music, dying plant and all. I kid you not.

Personally, I think you might be able to kill a plant with a vibrating speaker at close range given enough time. Now try that plugging into your high gain amp. :twisted:
thor666 said:
the fender strat is satanic due to the two horns of the guitar body, that rock music is satanic, etc etc.

like tt my SG is the devil.. :twisted: and it's hiding in my cupboard!!
I should fix some speaker cones in place of my stove and ask my mum trying to fry rice with LTE?

Perhaps steam fish with Scorpions cd playing........

Rock can cook eggs.......i suppose the author's "eggs" :lol:
when i went to ACS(I), they showed us this video about how evil rock music is. it was orientation and we were 13 years old and during the course of the orientation there was a whole lot of evangelism and proselytizing. i thought it was incredibly offensive, but perhaps it's my fault for chosing a methodist school.

in any case, the video on the evils of rock music was laughable. they were right about one thing, though; it was so ridiculous that it made me want to kill myself and the person who produced it.
DT is obviously saetanick too because they have a song called 'Hell's Kitchen'! OMG I'm giving my ticket up for free!Who wants it! Get it off my hands!!!