Rock concert in rgs

rock concert in rgs. would you come?

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i never thought i'd have to spell this out but it's possible to not be a fan of a band 's music and yet respect them.

i don't like malmsteen's music, in fact, i can't stand him and his greasy hair and his paunch. but i do respect him because a) he's a better guitarist than i am, and b) he's probably a more successful musician than i'll ever be.

i doubt you'll find a local band that's more entertaining than Ronin is live, and everyone can and probably should respect them for that reason.
Giving my opinions? Fine then. Why don't we all just agree with what one another has to say. I see people dissing malmsteen's tone, and yet just cause i make this post all a sudden i'm a bad guy. Who do you think is really starting the argument here?
oops...nv mind...bro hi fi killer, notice that guy's post counts...he might be another lars_ulrich, just here for the fun of bickering. Maybe these metalheads need anger to be inspired so they can write crap music like St. Anger... :lol:
dun flame me, just trying to be impartial here.

Slash is not as good as we think, but he definitely got style. But think about it, to play like slash slinging the guitar damn low is very difficult.

But all those is off topic here. Instead of shooting down ronin, or slash, or malmsteen, y not suggest some more well known local bands for the organisers instead.
DeathCubeK said:
I see people dissing malmsteen's tone, and yet just cause i make this post all a sudden i'm a bad guy.

i think it's because it seems like you can't differentiate between disliking someone and disrespecting them.
DeathCubeK said:
I see people dissing malmsteen's tone, and yet just cause i make this post all a sudden i'm a bad guy. Who do you think is really starting the argument here?

because you said "everyknow knows that slash blah blah blah" instead of "IMO, slash is..."

A world of difference between the 2. live and learn.
you got a problem with that? if yes, too bad. =) and yeah, hail visa! haha.

wow u pple a really smart. u called me childish for not liking them and then this? and visakan, i really respected you before but after what u said about forming my own band and all, i think ure a really big idiot. OH NO!! i insulted someone!!! im soooo soooorrryyyy.
this is a forum dammit. ure sposed to air ur damn views here. u cant do it anywhere else in singapore. i dont like ronin so face the fact people. its OK to diss local music. its NOT OK to think that local music is all good.