Daniel Purnomo
Looking forward to a collaboration with my buddies Juliet Pang & Didi Mudigdo in this upcoming year end concert

I'll be playing some solo fingerstyle guitar & ukulele too :
And there's some ukulele ensemble performance to spice up our event. Some Christmas Carol my students under SURE (Singapore Ukulele Revival) Ensemble did in Ukulele Christmas 2022 :
Get your tickets now & let's celebrate Christmas with us : https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/jazz-and-christmas-concert-2023-tickets-756630681737

I'll be playing some solo fingerstyle guitar & ukulele too :
And there's some ukulele ensemble performance to spice up our event. Some Christmas Carol my students under SURE (Singapore Ukulele Revival) Ensemble did in Ukulele Christmas 2022 :
Get your tickets now & let's celebrate Christmas with us : https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/jazz-and-christmas-concert-2023-tickets-756630681737
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