Rock chicks photos

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I think....sage's statement is from a guy's point of view. What you have stated is showing masculinity and those are guy things. Girls on the other hand like to pose, if not why on earth do they like to take pictures of themselves in front of a mirror?I don't know, its a girl's thing. Rock chicks or no, girls (most of them) like to pose and since this thread is about rock chicks let them do whatever they want. Try to see it from a girl's perspective, you know what I mean?

Just my $ change.
I have to admit the reason on why am i posing with my instrument.
Simply i do not have a band.

Is that sad now?

I been learning for a year under Bong at YAMAHA. My best friend does not want to form a band (although i picked up the instrument to complement his guitar). My friends are in the army(high IQ=elite forces=full time). I agreed to join some bands and they end up not forming at all. I refuse to join a band without a vision.

A year of fruitless search for a band.
No gig pictures of me and my bass sorry.

Maybe, someone will notice my ideas, writings and style.
Maybe, i will find a band that appreciates me one day.

For now i am a business student and in future... who knows?
hmmm, sometimes, a band is formed from current friendship among friends. and sometimes, a band is formed from ppl with the same interest but total strangers, etc.

and sometimes you'll only get that 'vision' after jamming with that new band after a while, when u realise that there's something good going on. whether it just gives you that feel good feeling jamming with the band, or something else. band chemistry is formed over time and its not a sudden process. so just join a band which you think you may click with and go from there before deciding on your next move. sometimes its best to just enjoy the time playing with others and let it go from there. when the time comes for the next stage, you'll get the feeling la.

and even if in the end, things do not work out, and you leave the band/got kicked out or something.... its the overall experience of jamming in a band which eventually matters. like listening to each other, not pushing ur volume and disregarding the rest, covering up your mistakes and faking it on the fly , etc. :wink:

thats something no bedroom guitarist can ever learn while practising the mixolydian scales on a shuffle beat at 200 bpm....................... by themselves. lol. but hey, to each his own aye. just a thougt.
AverRal, start firing up Reason, Nuentdo, Ableton. In this era, being in a band is not much of a deal. Since you are such an advocator of female musicianship and empowerment, why rely on others to craft your own music?

There is talk of vision but do you even write your own material? If you don't, are you just plonking the bassline behind a tune?

Look at it this way. Not being in a band never stopped Analog Girl or Dualtone from doing their own stuff.

Maybe breaking outta that rigid mould that music MUST be made in a band context could be your next move...
I personally think that being a bass player is playing a supportive role in the band, not a very productive solo instrument unless you are really really good.

In gaming terms .. it is like being the priest! I love healing. I just need some one to do the attacking, any hunters around? Lets form a party and do an instance!
wasp: Yeap, I agree.
But I thought this thread was about music passion something?

We could open a new thread for girls who like to pose, if you like.
I'm sure everyone else would :P Then I can post the pic of me grinning like an idiot :}} But I'm not gonna deny that you have a point so I'm stepping back one notch and seriously, let the girls have the fun and be... well, whatever they want to portray themselves to be. I'd take a seething to the backseat.

My hub's a bassist as well, and he writes more originals and gorgeous licks than I can in a single week.. all on his bass, with one effect pedal. Very ambient post-rock stuff. :}

If self-producing your own music is the reason for you, then try experimenting with effects and pedals. All you need is a software and a gold pin, and there ya go - What AgingYouth says. Then go borrow someone's guitar, and learn that as you go along; Wahla! Two instruments. Add a distortion pedal to the guitar, and Tada! You are then a rocker chick. Snap pic jamming in your bedroom, bloop! We have another picture to add here. :D

If that's too complicating,.... there's always the Musicians Wanted / Available section of the forum. They need a lot of bassists, last I checked..

(fyi - I write my own songs as well, without the help of a band or sessionist. And worse; I'm a vocalist. :})
I agree on the part that one does not necessarily need to have a band to express/create/show your passion in music as technology these days can even let a bedroom musician gets his/her stuff out (albeit needing some patience and knowledge in some other areas like software, etc) :) But of course, it can't/doesn't replace the experience of rocking it out with a real band :lol:

Back to the topic, I realised that sometimes the more a person wanna prove something, the harder it is for him/her to taken seriously/the more it'd backfire, etc...but it's all part and parcel of communication, internet and human nature :lol: Still....keep the pics coming! :D
Pick up other instruments along the way if you will also bring your bass playing further.......understanding other instuments makes it easier for you to compliiment them in a band...

Best of can write your own songs and play all instrument by yourself.....
aiyo sometimes, music lovers who are just picking up an instrument may have the vision but not the language to translate that vision into music. That's why we form bands to find people with similar musical visions so there's that synergy and better able to translate that vision into music.
Agree about AverRal re: joining bands without vision. But perhaps you mean bands without the same vision as you? I knew some guys a few years banck wanted to form a leisure, casual just jam band, so casual that nobody bothered with chords,lyrics, etc. who cares if they're wrong, etc... Which wasn't qte what I had in mind... therefore band disappeared.

Anyway, I know this isn't the thread for this, but if you are looking for a band, me & and another collaborator are looking for people to help out with a songwriting project we are doing...

We both play several instruments, but for recording and live shows obviously we don't have that many hands. (We'd like to record live as much as poss)

are you interested? PM me.
I see nothing wrong with posing with a musical instrument - much better than those idiots who pose while holding onto a chord position that most likely creates something akin to a fart sound when actually played. You know those weird-looking chord positions that they never even use in a proper song cos' they certainly don't play with extended chord fingerings.

That to me is BS of the highest order!

And I share Averal's sentiment on finding a band. Seriously, I tihnk the last place to find a band is somewhere like Soft or anywhere else online - if you're not part of a clique. Chances are nil to zilch to meeting weirdos to meeting people who will only end up making you feel like it's all a waste of time.

95% of local musicians aren't bothered about making it - they just want to be part of a clique and to enjoy themselves. 95% feel that there is no way to make it - so might as well have fun instead of putting in the necessary commitment and sacrifices.

And folks like AnaloGirl are not the ideal people to emulate unless you're playing strictly electronic instruments/music.

Try doing that with rock-oriented music and it becomes rather painful. Sure, you'll get your song down but you're going to be missing cool drum rolls perhaps a voice that the song requires. It's possible but, phew, the time it'll take would be ridiculous considering that a band would probably do it in 20-30% of the time. And still cover your ass for live gigs.

It's a lot of painful work and perseverance. I'm in the midst of contemplating doing everything myself - including picking up drums and some bass. For singing, I'll probabaly have to learn that too. But I see myself doing something substabtial only after approx 2 years. WIth a band, it'll probably take only 6 months.

So yeah, go for it but thread carefully and be mindful that you don't meet the 95% group while you're at it.

It's already bad enough that it's difficult to make it here, worse still are the people that actually make it near impossible. And the irony is that these are people who are supposed to be musicians. Posers definitely! Musicians? Purely unlikely.


note - the 95% mentioned was acquired in a non-scientific observation. the percentage is meant to make a point that a huge majority portary such a mentality.
hey rork where do you get you statistics??? 8O
did you just pick it because of its nice figure??? i know 99.9% do... :lol:
whoa valo i dunno bout you. but for what i know RoRks been around for quite a while. although the statistics part might be wrong or smth. i dunno but hey theres truth to his words

AverRal : finding a band with a vision is pretty hard unless ur with friends. close ones. of course not every band formed by strangers is bad and for me hey there are those times when you can actually feel the connections between the band and instruments while playing and thats the kind of feeling that keeps me wanting to play.
That's great PinkSpider, well-said.. :)
Can you be our musical spokesperson?

You know those weird-looking chord positions that they never even use in a proper song cos' they certainly don't play with extended chord fingerings.
That to me is BS of the highest order!

That can also be avant-garde you know? :P Ah well, art is perceived only to the senses of the beholder.. who am I to say, you know more about avant-garde too! :D

Try doing that with rock-oriented music and it becomes rather painful.

I can relate.. :( RoRK has a point. And now that you mention it,
AverRal, I could jam with you and play guitars if you like. But I'm warning you, I'm no Petrucci k?

95% of local musicians aren't bothered about making it - they just want to be part of a clique and to enjoy themselves. 95% feel that there is no way to make it - so might as well have fun instead of putting in the necessary commitment and sacrifices.

I hope other music enthusiasts aren't reading this.. Heart pain.. RoRK, kudos to you for peering into every musician's brain here and telling us the truth with how it's perceived to you because you are God. *throws flowers at your feet and massages your all-seeing all-knowing eye*. We'll be lost little maggots without him. Sigh. Thank you.

note - the 95% mentioned was acquired in a non-scientific observation. the percentage is meant to make a point that a huge majority portary such a mentality.

You definitely made a point; not one that you might have intended to make though, but.. oh well..

Please leave the whole generalisation bit out, it's rather unfair for everyone out here, especially when it's based solely on your perception of things. And it's very discouraging. Why so bitter?

Every musician here has their own sets of personalities, intentions with being a musician, idea of what a musician is, taste of music, degree of importance in music and its deciding factors, their own bad experiences, their own scenario of where a musician is at.
Like, I may not agree with half the things AverRal says, but I'm not calling her a tard and non-musician yknow? Who am I to judge her passion, I barely know her for godssakes.

I'm sorry if there were bad experiences on your side. I know we're "surrounded by poseurs". But if these experiences appear to be the case with everyone, like how you seemed to have feel regarding the chances of finding someone to work with, then maybe it's not us liao. Just a thought..

AND! Just in case other people want to work with me in the past present future:

Chances are nil to zilch to meeting weirdos to meeting people who will only end up making you feel like it's all a waste of time.

Like me! :} I'm sorry I wasted your time! I have my own life and my own brain and I'm scared of people who keep demanding attention... I work more on being straightforward ah.. You want something done, I'll do. You wanna click on a higher musical-songwriting plane, I can't :( Simply because I am retarded and sociophobic (see? I had bad experiences too. But love thy musical neighbours nonetheless). And if I respond to smses late, it's because I am busy doing something, like trying to save my family from a divorce or trying to stop myself from bleeding everywhere. No need to add on to a person's scenario when he/she responds apologetically about half an hour later and you reply with a "I dun wan to fren you, moi is pissed!" k? It's just so.. I donno, find a word. Even my primary school students don't do that when I'm late for their classes..

PS. I have this gut feeling I'm gonna be banned soon.
dont flame me for this but RoRk and AverRal

I think both of you got your hearts in the right place but. could it be that you,re both being critical? i know for sure that i can be really critical too. but lets say that

while there ARE poseurs around , there are also the people who actually walk the talk.

Lesson of the day : Regarding almost everything , do not use your heart alone. It is too rash. Do not use your brain alone. It is too cold. Use a right amount of both = )
I know avand garde, heard it and played it before you were born. And you know that's very close to the truth - at least. But rocker, posing with those chord positions just iritates me, knowing full well that the twit likely played it once, at most - and that was while posing for the cameras. :roll:

Anyways, that's just some folks - a sad but true story. Even worse are those that play and even have a tone that sounds like some one famous and yet deliberately refrains from naming that famous other from their Myspace site - sad and laughable. Perhaps only twits like them will allow themselves to be fooled.

So, back to thread mode.

RoRK is no God, let's not get into His domain, albeit musical talent is one of His gifts. I humbly suggest that this thread doesn't serve His purpose and needs.

RoRK, been around a long time dudette. Even bailed out for almost two decades. Just trying to make one last hurrah - if it can be so - before I see my God. I hope to play the guitar-harp one day - yah!

I talk little and see and feel more. I may be incorrect - that is a given but I am comfortable with myself and my thoughts. Take nothing personal. You are beautiful in your own way, and so it shall be.

Let's stay on topic. Averal is one cool dudette. Whether she deserves a band is another matter because without hearing her play, I can't vouch for one way or the other. But dudettes, the fairer sex, the more demanding, the more challenging, the one that seems to never tire - ah well, seriously, let them free.

It's the 21st century, if an oldy (but goody) like me can take a pix and post it here at Soft without any guy telling me I shouldn't do so, then by all means and logic, please let the ladies do so - comfortably and without fear of being retorted or being looked at as being loose, for doing so.

By the way, guys don't really prefer loose women. We prefer them tight! And more so if they're really themselves 100% of the time.

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