for the matching of tubes, theres are some online dealers which sell "matched pair" tubes and tested by them to work nicely together(jj tubes, google for the site)
most importantly, if wanna changed the tubes, do know what your amps can use and cannot us. For some tube amps, you cant interchanged different type of the poweramp tubes. And if able to interchange, theres still need to know whether biasing is necessary or not.
And for the tone with certain tubes, its not a 'A+B=C" kinda situation. It will depend on the design of the amps and on a smaller scale, the kinda guitar, effect(if any) to get a certain sound. Theres no easy way out and this is the kinda thigns which people spend years and money to find one thats suitable to their needs.
If you are really interested to go on this path, imho, take your time, go search thru different amp forums that talk about the amp which you have and check if they have relevant info on all these. Other than amp forum, check thru some diy amp forums and tube amps article thats available via google. Theres lotsa lotsa info out there and the thing bout getting the sound you want, other than reading those, is to buy stuff, test it with your gear, music etc to know.
the shop at burlington square which sell tubes, i have heard, is prolly more in tune with hifi/audiophile amp then geetar stuff. So if checking out there, do know what sorta tubes you wanna get, in advance.
Heh, its never easy to thread on the "tone" path. End of the day, you be getting that "sound" which is you,or be more frustrated at how deep certain subject that has to do with getting the sound and make writing music(and not just playing geetar) much easier.
anyway, good luck with the search for sound!