Reputable School Birthday 'Prank'


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am seldom surprised by ragging photos or videos, having been sanitised via my own experiences. Coming from an all-boys secondary school and having been through NS, I seen my fair share. However the screen grabs below from two ragging videos I saw on youtube truly disturbed me. In the past, there were no digital camera or camcorder to record down the process, but with the advent of technology, such activities are often recorded and the videos or photos end up online, causing further humiliation to the victims.

The two videos mentioned are particularly shocking to me because of two factors. First of all, the perpetrators are practically all females, with a few boys in the background cheering. I never knew women are into such cruelty as well. Second, it occurred in bright daylight at a crowded school canteen - where everybody can see! The poor victim was tied to a chin-up bar and attacked mercilessly. All in the name of “celebrating” her birthday.

The school where all these took place is a well-reputed school - Anglo-Chinese Junior College (ACJC). (No point in concealing the school’s identity as the uniform of the students involved is obvious)

When the poor victim was first grabbed by her group of “friends”, she protested that she was wearing a skirt and may zaogeng. Instead of letting her go, they forced her to put on her PE shorts. The victim was then dragged unwillingly from the crowded canteen to a nearby chin-up bar to be tied up for the ensuing ritual.

When she shouted for them to stop, they took a masking tape and stuck it over her mouth. A girl even hit her on the forehead to pin her down.

When she said she cannot see because the grue got in her eyes, they poured water over her and threw more icky foodstuff at her face.

Then, ironically… they circled around her and sang her a birthday song,. The group was laughing merrily all the way, seemingly oblivious to their friend’s sorry state. WTF????? There was even a girl who had the cheek to ask the victim if she is “happy or not”!

After all these, they walked away, leaving the wet and dirty victim begging for mercy with her hands tied to the poles, seated in an awkward position. To make things worse, the entire process is recorded down and the video is even uploaded onto youtube.

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Anyway any views on this? Perhaps they have gone too far? This incident was reported in the news a few days back.

Personally i feel they may be making a mountain out of a molehill. I believe these actions were all in a bid to make the birthday a much more memorable one. True that they have went too far no doubt about that. But this making it to the news, with the reporter as usual 'spicing' things up (no offence to the reporter)? I think as a teenager we should be able to deal with these pranks because lets face it, at one point of time in your life as a teenager in Singapore you will definitely be subjected to pranks of some sort. If all such incidents were reported and blown up, I can assure you we'll be running out of paper to publish such stories. Plus the girl already told everyone that she wasn't hurt physically or emotionally. So why can't we enjoy out teenage lives in peace cos the brutal truth is we will not be able to do such stuff when we grow up to become adults.

Anyway that's just my take. Feel free to disagree with me. Just don't be too harsh :D
well, memorable it is. this is similar to that article in Straits Times last two Saturdays about a Civil Defence group who rubbed a mate's body with shoe polish. downright disgusting. what did that guy ever do to them? make them swallow toothpaste? i'm unimpressed. if this is what Singapore is teaching their young men to be, then they're better off giving up.
Disagreed. I don't think this was exactly very pleasent. People always want a enjoyable birthday, hence the song "Happy Birthday". What's the point in making a birthday a miserable one unless you're a bloody sadistic person who is bent in making everyone's life miserable?

Unless this was per-arranged (which I highly doubt so) this is dispicable and uncalled for. The girl may have said she didn't suffer at all, but is she covering up for her friends? And even if this was done to attract attention, it only attracted negative attention (that really brings me to say a common phrase in army we like to use:)

FOR ****?!?!

Personally, we would all have much better lifes without such stupid incidents like this. People may say its for fun, but among friends its okay. I remember back in my secondary school we used to grab the birthday boy (cause we never dared do it to the girls) and drag him to a deserted place before "beating" him up.
Firstly: We never used much force cause its all suppsoed to be for fun anyway
Second: We never portrayed it in front of others. Why bother emphesizing our act when our teachers dissaprove of it and when it'll only make the victim very paiseh?
Thirdly: We always made it a point to drop hints to indicate we were going to whack him throughout the day so at least its anticipated

At least what we did was really fun
Doing this to the person is one thing. Doing it in front of the canteen is another and that crosses the line. Putting it on YOUTUBE?! That's WAY overboard already man

Sighs (shakes head and mutters about the state of ACJC ppl... tsk tsk)
Well that was a letdown, I expected bloody humiliation and used condoms just from reading the text but after seeing those pictures it looks like much fun was had by all those involved except for maybe a deflated ego for the poor, poor birthday girl.

Why can't bloggers stick to the real sticky issues...? (commenting on other bloggers)
The better schools usually do this. I should know. fkers frm my class taupok+youtubed me. I think if its within frens, and WAS AGREED. Ok. But in many of these case, like mine. No consent was given. Just forcefully. Plus it doesn't help that in the 'good' schools, nobody has ballz to stand up for wads right.
i very much agree with theliverevolution.

back when i was in secondary school, many of the guys don't quite look forward to their birthdays cause he knows what was going to happen.

be it a 'light' beating or showering the guy and throwing him in the sandpit, we'd do it away from the "public" and most times after school.
i narrowly espaced from getting whacked on my birthday. my birthday is in JUNE so usually I'm one of the lucky ones who don't kena. But so happens my teacher wanted to call an extra class on that day, only to cancel it the day before. before she cancelled it I was dreading going back cause I knew what I was going to get.

but seriously, there is no neccesity to do all this "widespread humiliation". that won't be fun anymore. most of the fun that we guys derived was finding a way to "kidnap" the victim and do it so that no one knows at all. in fact, our school guys always practiced so much secretcy about our "birthday ritual" that the chers NEVER found out till some idiot fell down the stairs, injuring his wrist, then aptly blaming US for his injury

after that our principal banned it. but who cared?!
If thats the way they celebrate birthdays and all of them had fun - just leave them alone and let them be! Why make a mountain out of a molehill?

This, in my opinion, is an issue blown out of proportion.

If the birthday girl doesn't mind the celebration, and the bloggers write stories about them like that - isn't it the bloggers who 'pranked' and humiliated the girl instead? And even worse, the school's reputation.

Now, why are all the hatred directed towards the school and not the bloggers? And quite obviously, the blogger didn't get the full picture before he posted up such a story, which leads to the school being constantly bedeviled by negative remarks.

Unfair to the school isn't it? And the video wasn't as 'cruel' as what the story described it as.
It's obviously an attempt to tarnish the school's reputation!

Now, the school has been embattling many scathing indictments from the public, and it will disrupt school life. So, isn't this issue just blown out of proportion and totally unnecessary?:rolleyes:
different bloggers interpretted it differently. and it's not so much on the school's reputation, but the people who are in the school who do such stupid things to tarnish it. It only takes a few bad eggs to ruin it anyway.

Already, ACJC doesn't have an entirely clean reputation among many people. Many people constantly mistake AC to be quite snobbish and too "high-class" and etc. I won't say more.

It doesn't need the BLOGGERS to misinterpret the video to blog about it and "tarnish" the school reputation. All it needs is the person viewing the video, be it a blogger, school teacher, student, etc to watch the video and decide which side he/she wants to take. The impression of the school is already in the mind, and will be hard to change it after that
I blame STOMP. Pandering to the self-righteous behaviour in some of us, and unleashing mundane issues on the unsuspecting public. /rant

It's not as if these things haven't been happening for the longest time ever. Flagpoles (SAJC anyone?), taupoks, blanket/kiwi parties are common, but posting it on youtube might have crossed the line, by allowing the events to be released on to public domain.
agree with Meekahsoh. Actually, I personally think that doing it in front of many ppl in school (most you don't even know) was already crossing the line. Youtube was the overkill

Just because of a few in the school who are snobbish, then we label them as a snobbish school?
Just because of a few in the school who are more 'wild', then we label them as a wild school?
Just because of such reasons, the word 'bad' is an adjective to their reputation and most of their actions are wrong?

We always fail to look at the other side of the coin, and perceive them wrongly as a result. Unfortunately, this prejudice will never or is just plain hard to be removed.

Smack this incident onto a school with a very clean reputation. I doubt the response will be the same no?

I feel, we should just leave the matter alone, and let the school handle it the way they should. Peace.

And I do agree that uploading it on youtube, is an overkill.
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I agree with crozz. Just because some people who have nothing better to do coincidentally find this video, and blow it way out of proportion. Blame STOMP or whatever, people's self-righteous behavior really peeves me off.

It doesn't matter what people want to do, unless it breaks the law or sth. But in this case, the victim actually is ok with the event. So what else can we say? Of course, complaining and being busy bodies, I believe is part of almost every Singaporean. We just have to live with such news, paying for part of the newspaper which actually could be used for more important articles, like those on the worsening economy.

Also, a school with a clean or very clean reputation does not mean that it is TOTALLY clean. I'm sure every school does have its own dirty little secrets, just like all of us.
there wasn't any "line-crossing" about the youtube video. according to sources on EDMW, the video was posted by one of the victim's close friends. note that the youtube video was tagged "loser", and the title was "[victim's name] gets destroyed" or something like that. apparently, it was planned beforehand to take "revenge" on the victim, because she was "being a slut". looks like they thought that by videotaping it and uploading it on youtube, her humiliation would be complete.

something like that. but obviously the uploader had no regard for the school either, so she went ahead and posted it on youtube. an EDMW-er found it, and some STOMPer leeched off that, thus creating all the bs we see now.

if i read correctly, there was no word from the victim herself about whether she was affected by the incident. it was only mentioned in the school's reply to the incident, where it was said that "the victim has been counselled, and she said she had not been affected by the incident blah blah blah".

shit my birthday's in a few days.


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Meh, I've seen/done/kenna worse and here I am, alive, not suicidal, not very successful in life, but hell, I'm okay.

My schools'(coed school) guys used to strip each other during our birthdays and stuff stuff(fruits and chilli) into the poor kid's underwear, most of the time out of sight of the girls to avoid any embarrassment. And look how many Ivy league grads my very well known school has produced. Nobody really got angry about it.

A bit deflated at the most. But knowing that it happens to everyone else, we just took it as merely a joke that we try to escape every year, but fail. Kids will play, kids will degrade each other, but most of us know our limits. So can someone please tell STOMP that secondary/jc students are not little demons who do not know their limits.

Besides, unless you are really sheltered, blind or delusional. We have all seen stupid stuff happen in school. Only to different degrees and this one was one of the rarer, more severe cases. Or maybe they just hated/loved her a little more than the others.