Remembering SRV


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Today, i believe, is the 18th year that SRV's untimely demise...IMO,he is one of the finest players ever to pick up the instrument..

Honestly, when he was alive, only heard 2 songs from him-David Bowie "Let's Dance" and his awesome version of "Superstition"..I became a fan when he passed away..sorry..I was from Clapton/Moore school of guitar playing..nevertheless never too late to start

His playing style and choice of gears..the relic Strats and TS pedals still does have an influence to most guitar players today..

so here's to you SRV..wherever you may be...

*raise a cup of kopi-o kosong*
Definitely one of the greatest guitarists in the world. Until now, I still cannot master Pride And Joy (the opening bars before he sings)..the upstroke n downstroke thingy n mute the strings in between..whoa so difficult..:P
He definitely has huge tone. I heard he used gauges more than .13s..ouch! Despite his huge tone, his Strat pups were vintage and not in anyway overwound. Amazing.

Hendrix definitely has an influence over him.
He has this amazing sense of shuffle rhythm and that aggressiveness that no one can copy. Remember sawing a video of him jamming with Jeff Beck, he totally pawned jeff beck with his playing and tone. RIP SRV
bro it the one where Beck was using the emo-pink Kramer guitar ??...hehehe
SRV's last concert..
he was up before Clapton i believe..and the words from Clapton while watching SRV's gig were .."how do i follow him next..?''..Clapton was up against SRV and Slowhand played probably one of his best gigs....this i read in GW'Aug 95...
Fuzz bro, it's the one where Beck plays his baby blue strat, the song they were jamming is called "it's going down" I think, cos SRV kept singing that line in the chorus. In that jam, Beck guitar tone sound like a mosquito compared to SRV's loud, raunchy and in ur face tone.
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One of a kind

Yes, SRV was basically one of a kind. His music and playing just captures you. He just puts so much soul into his music. Till now, "Lenny" still remains my favourite guitar track of all time. The phrasing, the tone, the dynamics - just about everything was perfect on that one track.
Heh, thanks bro. :)

Actually, it's a line from Six Strings Down, a song wirtten by his bro, Jimmie Vaughan as a tribute to SRV as well as other guitar players like Albert King, Muddy Waters and Jimi Hendrix.
Ah, ok. Sorry. I abit blur also, like "Cannot be what, he never heard of this song." :lol:

Anyway, much respect and rep to Jimmi as the one who created it, but I honestly prefer SRV's version of Little Wing.
Hendrix created a new style of playing the guitar and Stevie perfected it..He is to me , the most versatile and gifted musician. Songs like 'Lenny' n 'Tightrope', his tone could hardly be delivered by anyone else...(well, except when i recently watched John Mayer Trio and found some sorta resemblance in his sound and voice but still...,) .I think as much as people try to play or sound like Stevie (including myself), its his talent and interpretation of emotions in his guitar style that sets him apart..RIP Stevie Ray Vaughn..

You cant just play the blues.. You have to feel it
Actually there were several Jimi Live performances of Little Wing that I feel are much much better than SRV's, as much as I love SRV.
I only just got into SRV when my band "The Highlights" got together. Before that I'd never heard of SRV. But I gotta say SRV music is not only quality music guarenteed but it is so damn fun to play. Everytime I pick up the guitar I never NOT play Pride and Joy or Mary Had A Little Lamb.

Infact you can check out my bands version and tribute to SRV of Pride and Joy. Female version ;) and Scroll to the bottom of the music player and you'll find Mary Had A Little Lamb too!

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