Remember those fake guitars at Yahoo auction?

the west has extremes. the poor are super poor and the rich are super rich.

i think singapore has a high standard of living, just that ppl are cheapskate and go for fakes hehehe...
eh what i was thinking is like can get those guitars on a cheap, tear them apart and like rebuild and put in ur own other parts... would be like an easier-to-do project guitar... i'm not sure, but somehow i dont trust shipping in and all from overseas on such fake goods... as it is their guitar is fake, who knows if their company is fake also... but you gotta say, thats one well maintained site...
Wow guys I am today in shanghai and tried out a "les paul and an SG" . Tey both say Gibson on the headstock and complete with serial no's and made in U.S.A. stamped on back of headstock. Finish Good, etc. Korea made Pups sound OK. Guy in the shop says assembled in China with korean electrics, complete with case at $500 sing. Lots of various copies- Even strats with USA decal and serial no /fender backplate etc $300sing with case. Now I know where those fakes are coming from.

look out as these are not "obvious " fakes so beware of low price offers.
confused said:
how do we all know whether the music stores in singapore don't sell fakes?

coz singapore is too small and the amount of people playing guitar is less then the whole population, words travel faster than anything else, especially in the age of internet. Dont think many shops would want to risk selling fake. imho
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
confused said:
how do we all know whether the music stores in singapore don't sell fakes?

coz singapore is too small and the amount of people playing guitar is less then the whole population, words travel faster than anything else, especially in the age of internet. Dont think many shops would want to risk selling fake. imho
there is fake guitars in S'pore la.....go do ur research
yes ahmad. I hear you. As such, over the weekend i will go do research :lol:

but maybe you liek to tell me where for a start, so that i can go there reecee and stand guard outside to tell people that this shop sell fake guitars

i learn from mistake and willing to change! Coz i believe in world peace and progression!

Together with me, brothers and sisters, lets make a different to expose shops in singaland trying to sell fake guitars! Lets be the guitar grammer polis!

im with you! :smt066

loaded and ready to destroy..

oh wait..supposed to be peace...

PEACE!! :smt025

bro pathein bro, time and location pls! :lol: