Recording (without computer)


New member
Just thought I'll get some help here. I am very bad with computers and I find the constant maintenance issues irritating. I was wondering what other alternatives there are?

I do not search for a industry standard kind of sound, a lo-fi sound would do fine. I am looking to record mainly drums, vocals, guitar and piano.

I am also curious with the concept of "bouncing" tracks. It gives a lower quality sound but that somehow is desirable to my ears. So, a basic 4/8 track would be enough for me.

So, if I'm not wrong, I am just looking for a recorder. I have a Wharfedale Pro Pm600 mixer which I think should be fine. So the lineup would be something like sound > mic > pm600 > recorder?

Portability would be a huge plus.. Does anyone have any specific products/range of products they would like to recommend? Thanks a bunch.

Edit: Oh, and budget shouldn't be a problem. Unless it's ridiculously expensive.
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i'm an owner of a Korg D888 (about $1.1K-$1.2K) and it serves me well for my mobile recording so far. just can't record too much or store too much on it, otherwise it'll lag, so MAINTENANCE is still a must no matter what, but definitely easier than maintaining a computer.

"bouncing" tracks , well I heard it depletes quality, but almost inaudible unless you got a hearing of a bat. or you bounce 1000 times..

if $1.1K don't sound too friendly to you, you can try the Zoom H4 also. then sound > Zoom H4
or Sound > mics > your wharfdale mixer > zoom H4 inputs.
Most portable DAWs nowadays can digitally bounce tracks without sound degeneration. So it'll be okay if you buy the right one.

Btw I dont know what you mean by recording without a comp.

I've got a Tascam 424 MKIII, pretty funky stuff
Blueprintstudios: I'm eyeing that d888.. but maybe i'll try the zoom too since its cheaper.

seekz: recording without a computer as in i'd want to use either a tape(analog) or digital(korg d888) recorder. the 424 mkIII is a tape recorder right? That must be tonnes to fun to play around with hehe

Sounds cool, thanks guys for the input!
no prob man, d888 records 8 tracks individually. unless you got another $600+ more to fork for the D3200, which records 12 tracks and more. heavier, more heavy duty.

my D888's warranty recently ended.seriously it doesn't look like the recorder / mixer is going to break down any time soon. but i'm more concerned about the "hard disk" inside it going kaput. gd news though I asked city music they said they could replace the 40gb hard disk inside if it blows. or even pimp it up with a better/bigger hard disk.

so my view is, 8 simultaneous tracks should be enough for you for $1.2K or just go for a zoom H4 @ $300-$400. running on SD Cards and AA batteries, super mobile heheh.
Just went to check out SOS. Oh my... the D888 looks awesome!
You own one, blue? totally fits your line of work man! good choice
haha yeah.could say it changed quite a bit of my life. I may plan to get a Zoom H4 too , then slowly save for the Korg MR1000.. waiting for the price to drop.