Record time for Buy/Sell stuff on SOFT


Staff member
I have seen some items being sold really really fast. What is your record time?

Do post the item sold and time taken from posting of ad to confirmed buyer.

Item sold [time taken]
A brief note about the transaction

Fab Chorus [1 hour]
Posted the ad and received a call from the buyer around 15 mins later, then he rode his bike and reached my block in half an hour, so the transaction took roughly 1 hour!
I got a sms half an hour after I posted my Dragonforce live in Singapore concert ticket up for sale. So its as good as saying I clinched the deal in half an hour but the actual transaction only took place after a few days thou....
wondering if someone will say like 5 minutes.

eg i posted on soft then my bro checked soft buy/sell then he wanted the thing i wass elling so he walked to my room to take from me.

rofl. kidding =x
There's this guy who secured a deal on his DD-20 just 3 minutes after he posted today. Damn I wanted it lol. But well not sure if the actual deal went as quickly.

10 mins?? u mean the whole transaction? posted and collected 10mins later?

no - posted and reeceived sms and closed deal.

BTW 'out of soft my record' was buying a guitar (2nd hand) and then selling it (received offer) IN 2 HRS+
all transaction in 10mins is like so weird la.unless they live next door then its possible.
Allen Leonidis closed a deal with me then showed up outside my house in slightly under an hour once for some pick up deals ... I guess thats about the fastest sell / collect

I myself like to buy fast ....sellers who have traded with me before know my style :-)