Response from Ram
can i rant too? a shop in penin/excelsior basement.
entered asking to test a pedal, i found out the pedal uses a dedicated power supplier, i said "shit, abit troublesome", guy said "woah not interested ah?" continued on saying, "if u want tone, u cannot be lazy blabla. u know in other countries ppl carry stacks up the stairs blabla" forgot some things he said but somewhere along the lines there was a personal attack there.
then i wanted to ask for a pick, he said "hey man are u a guitar player or what? no pick? *laughs*". hey...what i bring along with me is not his business..
my friend expressed his amusement on the amp i tested the pedal on, says that its much better than his amp. guy asked what amp my friend uses and says "shitty amp. ones u get this amp, u can throw that amp away, man".
and thing is i wanted to test the pedal, but it ended up as a show off session by the guy.
pity...good products, but that kinda treatment makes me wanna find other alternatives to get the product.
I would not normally respond to rants and raves but my name has been mentioned and we have been falsely accused on this forum.
As for this friend...I remember you...
Some things you forgot to mention.
You tried my personal guitar with Seymour Pickups and played for a good long time while I setup everything and helped you to undertstand the Dist-X pedal and the HT5 better.
You rudely demanded to know what pickups were in my Epiphone. I did answer you that it was JB and Jazz.
The only reason I was playing was because I was trying to show the capabilities of the amp (not mine). What if I played with my tongue or teeth as someone else mentioned. I did not stop you from doing the same and enjoying the amp. Coz I sincerely enjoy it. If you were not interested to listen to the the amp and other fellow guitar players, why play music or go shopping. Join a hate club!
Your friend seemed to enjoyed it. He is the one who suggested getting rid of his amp and getting the Blackstar HT5. I was simply supporting his decision. Why were you so upset? He is not borrowing money from you, is he?
We bring in products at our expense and high risk, for you guys, and if we are not highly opiniated, convinced about the product or don't believe in it, why bring it in the first place? I can tell you it is a thankless job and we are not exactly queing up to the bank. I am just a regular working guy trying to bring new things to Singaporean musicians. It is our passion for music and obsession with gear that keeps us going.
Like someone else said, be polite and you will receive the same treatment.
If you go to some one's house are you rude to them? Then why are you rude to shop personnel? Are you defensive coz you feel awkward to demand service when you know you are not gonna buy anything. I am cool if you test things and take my time, of course, when I am not too busy with serious customers. We have bills to pay too. It is sad when hospitality goes unthanked. No wonder some store folks behave the way they do. Imagine introducing yourself to someone on a first name basis, shaking hands, thanking them for a good time and then going to a forum to lovelovelovelovelove about them. Not nice.....
You take yourself and me too seriously. There was no personal attack there. For god's sake, that was the first time I met you. I did'nt even know you. Joking about not carrying a pick, about folks carrying amps to get their tone, a shitty practice amp....Man, I am sorry I hurt your feelings there.
If you need some love and comfort, come by again and I will give you a few free picks and buy you kopi, OK?