Rack users enter please!!


New member
Hi, could you guys post your rigs? It would be nice to see them. Still waiting on mine.

Anyway does anyone have any reliable rack cases to recommend that can be bought in singapore? So far the ones im eying is the skb19 series, either a 6u or 8u version but its a lil pricey at around 300bucks.

Any other places i could go to look for cases? thanks in advance

Actually I don't really think that racks are for rich people only.

Everything has its uses lah, and till now i'm still not sure of them yet.

Its a quality thing. If you settle for a small prac amp and a TGM, then its fine too.

I think if you want a good live sound it would be a good guitar and a good amp. i think rack would be for good sound for recording with/without amps.

Correct me if i'm wrong.
i think some racks efx are cheaper than pedals !
those older ones like pre-2001 models.

but then again, ebay is full of richies, so no chance i'm winning any bargain ........
Heheheh .... i use a korg am8000r and an alesis quadraverb 2. They're chained together and routed into a kaoss pad and an airfx. Mostly it's for audio manipulation of synths. But unfortunately i haven't had much time to really mess with the programming aspect.

Rack cases are really expensive, never knew small pieces of plastic could cost so much. I suspect it's more a historical pricing thing than a real reflection of the cost of production. Online some of the prices for skb racks, keyboard stands are sometimes cheaper than the spore versions, especially when they have a clearance sale, but once again it's the lack of shipping here.
been using ADA mp1 and alesis quadruverb before..but now i`ve
switch to PODxt ..coz its a hassle ...to carry those rack effects, a guitar and footswitch....