Question on floor tom sizes.


New member
Hi. This question has been in my head for quite some time. so..

I was wondering.. the standard size of floor toms are 14x14 n 16x16. I realised that some floor toms have this sizes which are not standard?.. 14x12 and 16x14. i noe a 18x16 is needless to say as no floor tom goes up to 18x18( that could hv been a bass drum rather den a floor tom.. )

so i was wondering wad differences does the smaller sized floor tom make in comparison to the standard sized floor toms. Thanks. =)

Shallow drum - Quicker response due to faster response from resonant head.
Deeper drum - More volume/power

Smaller diameter - Higher pitch
Larger diameter - Lower pitch

Therefore, a 14x12 floor tom would have the same pitch but would be more articulate then a 14x14 floor tom.

Deeper floor toms can be perceived to be warmer and deeper sounding due to the resonance of the larger shell surface area.

Shallow drum - Quicker response due to faster response from resonant head.
Deeper drum - More volume/power

Smaller diameter - Higher pitch
Larger diameter - Lower pitch

Therefore, a 14x12 floor tom would have the same pitch but would be more articulate then a 14x14 floor tom.

Deeper floor toms can be perceived to be warmer and deeper sounding due to the resonance of the larger shell surface area.

Exactly like what you said. Just compare, say a 14x3 and a 14x7 snare. The 3" depth would be very sensitive, lots of crack (coming from the fast response of the shallow depth) and articulate. Which also means your ghosts notes as well as mistakes can be easily heard. The 7" will have more body and more low end but perhaps not as crack-like (though its possible still with incredible high tuning) which I like better.

It's a matter of preference really, I'll go for a 14x14 cos' I like more low-end on my floor and I think it's the most versatile 14" floor tom.
oh ok thx alot! very infomative! wow!

and i din noe there was an 18x18 floor tom a long time ago =X