Queen of Pop Britney Gives Birth!


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YAY! finally after 9months that lil rascal pop out.. It's a boy! YAY! i'm sure he's goanna be hot when he grows up.

From, magazine's website: [13sept, wed]


It's a boy! Us Weekly is the first media outlet in the world to report that Britney Spears gave birth shortly before 1 p.m. Wednesday at Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center, according to hospital sources. Us was there as Spears, 23, and husband/aspiring rapper Kevin Federline, 27, arrived at the hospital with a police escort shortly before 6 a.m. and medical staff whisked Spears into a birthing suite. According to hospital sources, Spears was wheeled into a delivery room about 12:15 p.m. and within minutes the first-time mother had delivered via C-section with Federline by her side. (A rep for Spears had no comment.)

As reported in the Us cover story now on newsstands, Spears experienced early labor contractions on Sept. 9 and then spent the next several days in much physical discomfort. ''Pregnancy has not agreed with her,'' a Spears pal told Us. ''She has been sick a lot.... She couldn't get out of bed all weekend.''

Although the couple has not yet legally named the baby boy, sources tell the magazine they had planned to name the child Preston Michael Spears Federline. The child is Federline's third (he has two children, Kori, 3, and Kaleb, 1, with ex-girlfriend Shar Jackson).
poor baby. will face quite a number of embarrassments i bet, when older.
"hey look, i saw u'r mom half naked on the net. can i come over u'r house?"


other kids bows to the kid while singing, "i'm a, slave, for you".


okok, dats lame, but yeah, what was she thinking....

of course she's not a motherly figure... +1
as long as the little babe does not look anything like her,he should be fine.the poor kiddo's gonna suffer at school with B.S.(britney spears a.k.a. bull shit as his good for sucking mama..surely gonna get it from fellow britney haters..when tht boy's a teen,like any other male teen,he's gonna talk bout' sex..he'll be like:"my mum had sex with justin timberlake!can anyone beat that?" and his frens will be like my mum had sex with thatwhore down the road..what a biggie..i'll bet that baby HAD to be an accident
Yea i think it was an accident. Seems highly unlikely it was a planned thing. I don't follow up the news on Britney, but that's what i think anyway :?
Imagine born bikers. The baby rides a harley out of the womb with some trash metal in the background. And the docs and nurses around all headbanging. with the mom showing gangland handsigns...