PS3 / XBOX360 / Wii


Which of the three would you get? :) Just curious to see people's tastes heh.

DS Lite is a good buy btw. can download the games for free!

Levan , fyi nearly all games can be downloaded. from ps , ps2 , xbox etc. you name it , internet have it : )

i would go for ps3 though.

wii's price is too high in singapore man , add another 150 and you can get ps3.
xbox360 ftw!! :twisted:
I'm a late bloomer and only got it like slightly more than a month ago and I'm almost playing it daily now! More than my guitar!!!!! 8O And yes, has declared that its graphics has generally surpassed PS3 :P

In the words of fgl...GET SOME 360! GET SOME!
xbox 360 for sure
they have halo dun they
nice graphics
good games
internet access
allows u 2 play with other ppl online

after all xbox 360 is tis yr's gaming console 2 get
oh YES... HALO 3 for the XBOX 360. A must have.

why hasn't anyone suggested a PSP? (i hate the psp by the way.)

the Wii is for gaming with frnds.. and zelda.

PS3 is for final fantasy. awesome gaming. and other misc rpgs

xbox 360 is for great graphics. FPS games and HALO.

Psp.. just to be a brick in the wall.

DSlite.. Nintendogs. Mario. on the go gaming.

my vote is for xbox 360. that and an Alienware PC. :)

Well, I'd take all 3. Start buying frm the cheapest onwards.

Now that is gaming.

Alienware..hah. Why pay the premium for brand when you can get better juice DIY? :lol: Just grab an Alienware casing, $40 at SLS. Mid-tower only though. I would rather take Falcon Northwest with all their added blings:
XBOX360 has a good lineup of games though, I would say strongly than the PS3, which has received poor international sales (apart from Japan)

GTA4 for both platforms, MGS I think too,
The Darkness!!! for XBOX (it's bad assed!)
not forgetting Gears of War!
Wii expensive in Singapore too leh and the games are limited!
Check out the video review of THE DARKNESS.
Bad ass game. You have claws sticking out of your back and you can use them to eat out human hearts while they're still beating.

As usual, the game is BANNED in Singapore, due to violence and gore blah blah. GTA4 (grant theft auto) is also set to be banned

Funny how GAMES get easily censored or banned but grotesque horror movies with TONS more realistic gore and violence still get screened?
well there're a lot of people very hard at work to complain
about censoring stuff on screen. i think it's paid off.

not many people are putting in the effort to complain
about video game censorship.

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