PS3 / XBOX360 / Wii

Boom, it depends but as for rite now, i'd say go for 360. Its the safest bet. With established online experience and a stable of great games wif more to come, all's well for the system. PS3 is still slow gettin off the block, so it pays to refrain from gettin it now, maybe perhaps till MGS appears.
XBOX360 --> i own one, but it just broke down on me. The guy i bought from (Gamescore at Funan) warned me that it would! But luckily Microsoft has pretty good customer service - one for one trade! And I think XBOX LIVE is unbeatable in terms of crossover ganes compatibility. There's hardly any lag most times, and it's cheap though. Though PS3 offers free online service, the experience hasn't been sweet for most.
The Red Ring of Death is a common trait within 360 due to heat warpage and poor architecture placement and soldering, and MS tried to address it cheaply and 'lamely' for the release of the Elite Black 360. Anyway, till date, i'm on my 3rd 360 due to the RoD problem.
*hijack the thread a little* Hmm...what's the average life span of an xbox360 before getting the ROD?? I just got my set a month ago but I've added a cooler to it ^^ I saw from the microsoft forum that tonnes of people in the US kena the ROD immediately after updating their system with the spring update but mine's okay so far... :lol: should play DEAD RISING!! Ultra gratifying-zombies-killing-spree-moments :twisted:
My first set experience the first RoD after around 8months, and i noe a couple others who faced the same prob after roughly the same timespan, but not all, so don't dwell on it or wait for it to happen. Jus have fun wif tat baby and be careful on the cooler tat u used, especially Nyko's which is infamous for melting the power cords and void the warranty of the 360.
YES i've gotten the red ring of death. ARGH!

I wanted to try DEAD RISING leh, ZOMBIE FEST! but it's all imported stuff here leh, 98 plus plus dollars for the game. Damnit

Gamescore has a great system of purchase. If you have old games that you finished, you can trade them in for approx. 30 bucks refund. So you can trade in two old games for a new one.
ive got a wii, and the gameplay is seriously good. who cares about the graphics when you can have such fun!

PS3? naaaaa :smt018
Interesting so, came up in papers yesterday, about the three rings of death!

Flawsed XBOX to cost Microsoft over 1.5 billion dollars
Seems like the probelm has cost Microsoft a shitload of money. They're extended the warranty to 3 years
yo planin to buy Wii.....anybody can help me to where best to buy it....and wats the "standard" price......also any games that i should buy......thx
bigbaddaboom: Resident Evil 4 and wario ware is highly reccomended. check out some of the forums around the net that got ppl selling 2nd hand, ive recently seen alot of desperate sales, pm me if you want to know which forum.

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