PRS Tremonti

It's all up to you. If you really love him like 123456, then by all means man. But if it's like 3k or 4k, why not just buy a gibson? Signature guitars got only the tone of the signature artist, so it can be versatile or for only alter-bridge typa music... I never tried before. So these are all my 2cents.

If you've never tried the Tremonti before, then how can you comment on it's tone being one-dimensional?

Any guitar, whether signature or not, will have a certain tone. So does a Les Paul. And the Tremonti sounds nothing like a Les Paul, despite the visual similarities. It's a longer scale, has a trem, and had much hotter pickups. Other than the shape, the similarities end there.

I think the Tremonti should be judged like any PRS guitar. Do they sound good? Are they worth the price tag? If the answer is yes, then you have your own answer.

To me, yes. If that was what I was looking for.
Actually, both the Tremonti SE and Tremonti USA sounds totally different. No maple cap on the SE probably contributes quite to the disparity in tone. I used to own both before I started playing strats.

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