Proper Procedures for quitting cigarettes

My dad is addicted to smoking since last 20 years, earlier it didn’t had much effect but now when he is 50+ his cough level has considerably increased. He is also willing to quit smoking, but he always ended up smoking again. Can anyone help me find a proper guide or procedure to quit smoking permanently? Thanks in advance
How to quit smoking - Don't buy cigarettes.
How to not buy cigarettes - Don't bring money out.
How to not bring money out - Don't have meals out.
How to not have meals out - Eat at home.
How to eat at home - Make sure someone cook.
How to make sure someone cook - Make sure there's food.
And the list goes on...
I dont believe in qutting smoking overnight cause i think its quite impossible. Moreover your dad has been smoking for the past 20 years. I think he should limit himself to say maybe 4 sticks per day? And slowly decrease. And some encouragement, motivations etc. (:
I honestly think it is hard for me to say, given that I am only 19 while your dad is 50+. However I think first and foremost, stop smoking reds and only smoke lights. I know some research has proven that lights and reds do the same damage but psychologically, it helps alot.

Keep himself busy all the time. I actually smoke alot when I am at home especially in the night when I am BORED. I don't know what to do, I smoke to kill time. Smoking is an excellent time killer I must say. When I am with non-smoking friends out or doing other stuff, I usually don't feel compelled to smoke.

When one pack is finished, try and wait out as long as possible before buying or even taking another puff. Let's say he manages to not smoke for 24 hours after he first finishes the pack, and after that he couldn't resist temptation and buys a second. When he finishes this new pack, force him to wait out even longer, at least one and a half days - 3 days before buying again. In the meanwhile always keep himself busy.

Worse come worse just cut down. Limit to one stick in the morning, two during the day and one at night. No questions asked, no more. Less can, but no 'making up' theory where if he misses monday's night smoke, the next day got one extra.

These are ways that I think might work. But the most important thing is that the quitter must be willing to quit, and willing to accept that it will be difficult, without giving up at the first signs of trouble.
A friend of my quit smoking in 1 day... well, maybe its because he only smoked for a few weeks.
I think its the motivation to quit, its all in the mind. :) The body craves it but the mind restricts it.

I never took a puff before so I don't really know. Just my thoughts.
i was smoking for 19 years when i quit 4 years was like drug to me.
even after my throat op i did not stop ,but i guess i stopped after feeling some pain again in my throat 3 years after my op..i just gave up in the year 2006..

for me,it`s all in the mind and as almost all of my frds smoke..its`s not that easy but the support that i got from my wife and family did most of the job:)
Yeah, it is all Will Power, smokers with strong Will power can just quit within a day..

So far in my life I hv come across 3 of them giving up within a day and one of them is a real heavy smoker, many want to quit but will power is not strong enough. But can try other methods like keeping yourself occupied, mixed around with non smoking friends...etc...
Yup, I quit using Tim's method as well...

Guess what, for me it even came to a point where you smoke a pack every few months.

but most importantly he'll need a buddy to monitor him and encourage him
Thats where you play a part supporting him tru-out the process.
for a start, You can be his ration controller!
I used to be a smoker. for 9 years. Started when I was 17. At my worst. I was smoking 2 packs a day. One day, I decided to quit. And yes quit in a day I did. Yes I suffered the ffects of withdrawal. almost 1 months a had a very very bad cough and always feverish. Plus i'm sure it's also not good for the body to suddenly quit.

But now i'm very well. I'm not even craving for it anymore.

My reason for quitting? One night, when me and my friends were hanging out, singing karaoke. To my surprise, when I was singing my favorite song, one that I become quite known for actually able to sing it as same as the original artist, I can't anymore, I just can't simply hit the high notes anymore. I said to myself I will not loose my singing, the one and only thing that i'm actually good at, just because of these freaking sticks.

Most of the people I know that was able to quit had the same story as me. There must be one very good reason, one that you would have to choose, it's either the stick, or that.
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"its either the stick or that" i like that line. good job babyjosef17.

well, try asking him to buy 'rokok gulung' (roll ur own tobacco). with that, he might be lazy to roll the tobacco whenever he wants to smoke. that might help him cut down. hahah
Go for Pam Oei's smokins cessation classes!

LOL! True, i think like babyjosef17 says, you* need to find something you love more than the addiction - 'it's either this or that', health/ beauty (whatever you like) or the nice nicotine.

Or, in my relative's case, the health of his family and himself over cigs. Apparently he just stopped in 1 day, just like that.

And to achieve that, you need to put in place some practices to 'avoid temptation'. However i don't think 'avoiding temptation' ala Hickey_ 's suggestions is the way to quit, bcos it doesn't go deeper than that, once temptation presents itself again, you will return to the addiciton.

So yeah, find a motivation to stop smoking. If you value that motivation enough, no matter how awful the road to quitting is, you'll remember what you're doing it for.

And if you need help finding the reasons why you smoke and need to find a motivation to quit (some folks just need help with the reflection process) go look for Pam Oei! Lol.

*'you' being a general term, so you can sort of imagine yourself in the situation :p
I sincerely respect your concern for dad and also it is very wise of you that you started looking for proper procedure of quitting smoke. What is the key problem with most of the smokers is that while they go for quitting, they just give it up at once. It is not easy to quit smoking as such because it is an addiction. You can get a very good e-book describing procedure for quitting, from here . One of my friends used it recently and it has helped him a lot.
there is a hard way and an easy way to quit smoking. i've been a smoker all my life. and i never wanna quit smoking until i got a brush with the law and ended up spending 4 mths of my life in prison. i can't smoke, i can't smell any ciggarettes. i gone mad. but after the first month of totally mind madness, i seems to get a grip of not smoking forever. even when i've done my deed in prison, i still smell the smoke from smokers but i didn't even touch em. now this is how i stop smoking. thanks to jail time. but then again, a very good advice is try avoiding places where there are a lot of smokers. try not to breathe in the smoke coz once u breathe in, your mind will spark and will be thinking of smoking. its all in the mind.

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