Suggestions for marketing and PR
I have some experience promoting stuff.

Can help. But can't provide the medium & production for pro advertising. Very ex.
Suggestion 1:
How abt doing an outing? Like it or not, marketing involves speaking to masses. That means avoid anything high-brow. Even cliches will work, as long as there's promise of visceral fun! Clean fun, that is. Remember the old days of IRC (10++ years ago). There were outings, & pple flocked to them. Though i got burnt & scared away just from a couple of outings, i thot it DID catch my attention.
Yes, we'll attract all kinds of pple. But there'd be a core group that can entertain (with music) always. Anyway, musicians do need audiences. So, the masses are necessary. Another core group can be moderator for order & safety issues.
Prepare fun activities. BBQ, home-cooked fried cuisine spreads, creamy rich mashed potatoes. Sigh, ok, enuf abt food (my true love). Try cycling (not at night, please), roller-blading, & other simple sports & games. These fun activities will fill in for when our core music group falls short (eg. when aching from hang-over).
Suggestion 2:
Outings can also be lessons. Eg. workshops. Esp for pple like me! Teach chords, progressions, music structure. As well as lyric writing (though I'm not so interested in this personally).
Afraid pple won't come to outings becos they shy abt inadequacies in music? Lessons r the key! We'll go 1 step further than "Don't Judge, Just Accept". We'll teach everybody abt music. Share wat we know. Moreover, I always believed that anybody can do music. It's a matter of awakening the senses!
I'd be ur 1st willing participant. Teach me! Teach me!
Suggestion 3:
The above 2 suggestions are combinations, like outing plus concert, and outing plus workshop.
As last resort, we can do pure outings (with like-minded musicians discussing music along the way). If all else fails, eg. when S'poreans all become tone-deaf, we can fall back on more visceral entertainment to draw in the crowds.
I wouldn't really like such outings, though. Perhaps good for mingling with the potentially like-minded. But for busier pple, it's a shot in the dark. After some time, such outings may devolve into purely non-musical affairs.
So there, my 3 cents worth! Don't bother paying me, cos NTUC FairPrice absorbs odd costs in cents. So I'm passing the savings on to u guys. haha.
Let's just put together a fun group 1st. Shall we?
Of course, u'll realize when I say "visceral", I mean to use the masses themselves as medium for advertising. Spread the word. I would say "Beach Party with Singing Babes!" is much easier to market than "Aesthetic Aural Stimuli Symposium --- Beginners & Advanced Divisions" (which sounds further from "Bad A.S.S" than we would like).