Problems within the band and solutions


New member
have u guys ever experieced any kind of problems within your band? if yes , what actually happened and wad steps did u guys take as a band to overcome the problem? did it affect the morale of the entire band or did it juz affect a particular member of the band so much so that he/she has lost his standard of playing....

please share wif us here....
Yeah.. i got alot alot band problems last time.. just do what you should.. dont keep giving in cuz they are your friend... 8)

you need to kick when its time to kick :cry:
Different bands of different age bracket will face different kind of problems. Common ones I can think of is:

1) Missing band member/s
2) Poor sense of direction
3) Skill limitation hamper progress
4) Internal politics / conflicts
5) Individual time commitment level difference
6) Money problem (universal)
7) Age gap forming barrier

Other than that, many bands are together just so they can enjoy time together, so goals are not necessary to be set, just have a good time.
diff concept, this guy want to go for technical stuff [shred++] n others want to go for simple,good but tight band,so too bad la, say bye" already
Hi reyrey, not knowing how your band came together in the first place, maybe I jump to some unsubstantaited conclusion. If you guys would have know each other for some time, especially preferrences, this may no have happened. Having said that, all bands have problems becuase they are made up of the human species that is so complex physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Do things other than jamming or practising together, after all life is not only about music. If members can have a connection at other realms of relationships, they become more willing to compromise. Like if you have a bigger apple vs a smaller apple, you only have 2 choices. But if you are given two of say 10 types of fruits, you'll most probably have to make some compromises somewhere.

I hope I am of help.
When band members in famous groups go in different directions, they normally cite it in the press as 'Creative Differences' which always makes me laugh. It normally means the lead singer and the lead guitarist hate each other.

In my experience one key thing that causes bands to break up is too many strong musical personalities. Say you have the lead guitarist who works closely with the singer in writing all the material and they carve out a fairly original arrangement style within the Hard Rock type genre over a couple of years within that relationship. Now, say a new drummer comes along (who happens to be the lead singer's close cousin) and he has dozens of pop type songs that he desperately wants the band to perform that are completely different is style (i.e. up tempo superficial happiness as opposed to brooding introspective intensity) then clearly things aren't going to work out. What gets worse is when the drummer and guitarist argue and the lead singer's allegiance is torn between her close writing relationship and her family ties. Result: lead guitarist expelled. This happened to me.

Bastards. :)

P.S. Now that band sucks big time, not that I'm bitter ;)
hey i experience something like Vern mention, i can understand that..
onother issue that i wanna mention is late comers,
be it practice, gigs or just go wandering for equitment..they are never punctual..

my fustration is carrying lots of equitment (guitar, etc) and when u reach the venue the other members are just spoil my mood..

What is important in a band is your bonding with each other..
Also take note the "primadonna" in the band...that spells trouble..

yeah hardrock what you say is true dude :wink:

lolz,talking bout primadona,if somebody thats better in term of technical skill join ur band,somehow the rest of the band will listen to him,song that u all gonna decide,all the matters man, its like the band being 'simon says' by him -_-" i dunno whether this got happen to the rest of u,hahaha :twisted:
my problem = the other guys dunno what key their own songs are i am also not very skilled at identiying keys just by ear.'s only me and and my digital recorder. I'm a one-man-band.
Not happy with anything......just turn it off. Easy :lol:
i just feel that in a band, its all about compromise and working things out.

i'm just fortunate that my band supports the kind of music that we play now. haha. the irony is that we started out not swinging over to that genre, at least not yet.

but differences and problems within a band is inevitable. so you guys just gotta sit down and whack it all out. a band is like a family. you tell each other what you want and then you compromise. its the best of all worlds. so maybe some want to shred and others prefer not to have overdone 3minute solos, it goes with what your band as a whole wants to accomplish and has set aims for.

just my philosophy on bands. heh. am no guru yo.
remember the Sesame Street song which goes something like:

some of these guys are doing the same thing,
one of the guy is doing it not (X3)
can you tell me who it is?
tell me who it is?
penta-tonic said:
well rey. u just lost urself a super shredder. :D

hahaha, i dun mind dude =) as long as he find a better band that suits him, he's happy and im happy too, and u happy as well,hahaha :wink: erm, jireh rite?correct me if im wrong
penguin said:
hey i experience something like Vern mention, i can understand that..
onother issue that i wanna mention is late comers,
be it practice, gigs or just go wandering for equitment..they are never punctual..

my fustration is carrying lots of equitment (guitar, etc) and when u reach the venue the other members are just spoil my mood..

What is important in a band is your bonding with each other..
Also take note the "primadonna" in the band...that spells trouble..


hey yea.. i feel the same as u... even jamming.. ill be the first to reach and the others are never puntual before. afew times we even missed the time we booked the studio.. im there liao.. they still haven come den have to let other bands take it..

sometimes i just feel im the onli player in my band though :cry: the others just dont take pride in wad their are doing.. arghhh

next time want find member rite... i advice u all to find people whos realli interested.. like most of the people here :wink:
band probs.

well, sometimes having a closer relationship with ur band members outside of just being band members can also have side effects. The prob? girls. well, can say its even worse if ur band has a girl in it. But even ifu don't some how someone's girlfriend is gonna get poached or some band member is gonna have suspicions and etc. great way to split up a band..
Re: band probs.

yanxi said:
well, sometimes having a closer relationship with ur band members outside of just being band members can also have side effects. The prob? girls. well, can say its even worse if ur band has a girl in it. But even ifu don't some how someone's girlfriend is gonna get poached or some band member is gonna have suspicions and etc. great way to split up a band..

sometimes it can be a case of a particular band member's girlfren hates another band member to the she goes up to her hubby and tells him to choose between she or the band and she ain't gonna see him perform on stage 2gether wif that jerk....

the result? 99.99% of the time the band member would quit for the sake of his girl....

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