Pre-SALE (1st Dec) recommendations/ talk...


hi everyone. was at sims warehouse today for a look-see prior to the SALE. thought i recommend some stuff...

*good & recommended would be the Studio, Standard Plain Top as well as the Slash signature:

but my personal recommendation would still be the Ultra... :cool:

*for those of us keen on the flying V, 2 versions are vailable- gold hardware/ chrome

*of course, not to be left out are the wonderful DOTs

this year, the 'other' Epi to grab are those tasty tube amps, namely:

*Valve Jr combo/ Head (saw 1 of each, hopefully there'd be more come sale day)
*So-CAL head + 4x12 cab

*mid-priced units to grab:
-RGR321 (2 units on display- recommended :cool: )

-SA260 (latest version featuring the True-duo humbucker + SAT Pro bridge)
-Iceman (saw only 1)
-Mick Thompson signature MTM2
-however, i'd urge players to check out the very under-rated Marty Friedman signature
Prestige Ibanez
-RG2570: one of the better Prestige RGs out there
-RGA121H: if you fancy a non-whammy RG, this one's highly recommended BUT be warned of the love/ hate sparkle finish...

-sz2020ex: i'm not a keen active pickups fan but the SZ2020 is worth every cent
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*the American Vintage Hot-Rod '57 Strat is a costly guitar at $4K+/- (list) but it's worth the splurge in terms of tone/ playability

*the Champion 600 is more than worthy against the Valve Jr
gee, you're interested in this amp? didn't see any today (no idea if they'll have it by SALE day) but saw the VC15 instead. this is perhaps one of the most costly 15W amp ever; the LC15R lists for $700+/-...

i'm covering bass/ amp recommendations by tomorrow (not all products, ya? just recommendations...).
there are not many Cort fanatics out there but do check out the KX series guitars, especially the KX Custom...


on the bass front, the selection is not as extensive as the previous sale but here's some bargain...

*Ibanez RD900- if you don't know the RD by now, this remains to be Ibanez's overlooked model in terms of playability & tone. the 900 has a coil split feature which gives off a jazz-type tone rather convincingly.

*the ATK made a come-back this year, also the bass to check out

*the intriguing Iceman bass is available this time round, 2 on display :cool:

*in the Fender turf, the Highway1 P-bass is one to check out.

*Cort has also some fine basses, the jazz-like GB models are recommended
hello mr sub

sub how much would a squier bullet/strat or epi V cost man...have to ask mom in advance ngehehe.

*if you are looking for a good no frills solid state unit, do consider Ibanez's TBX30R combo. for those of us who can spare the space/ own an extension cab, the TBX150H is recommended:

*i'm only voiching for the improved tones of the current X-series Ibanez amps for their superb on board distortion. if you need only a clean channel to work your pedals, the former TB series are acceptable, tone-wise.

*tube amp fans, remember the Epi Valve Jr combo, yes? and Fender's Champion 600 combo? if you can't decide between the 2, i'd say the Fender wins it as the former has no Eminence Lady Luck to make it sing better, uness you opt for the stack version :cool: there are also Laney VC combos to consider. wonder why i didn't see any Ibanez ValBee amps- maybe not displayed yet?

*however, if you are keen on the bigger Fenders, the '59 Bassman (re-issue) is recommended

*Recommended Laney head: GH50L

*Value for money practice combos: CUBE30X/ microCUBE (remember, the current CUBE models are the ones with an 'X' suffix)
sub how much would a squier bullet/strat or epi V cost man...have to ask mom in advance ngehehe.

*Squier Bullet: about $200+/-... both the 3Xsingle coils & single humbucking versions are available but the rest of the upper end models are affordable during the SALE, i'd say you source for funds to secure this one (recommended):

Deluxe FM (about $400+/-)

*Epi Flying-V would be about $500+/- during sale

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