Pre-Newbie really needs HELP!

since you're so free to run down to Peninsula JUST to see guitars, and not enquire about the one that you're looking for, run to Swee Lee warehouse at Sims Drive lor.
as for guitar classes, i feel that private tutors are better. learn a lot faster in my opinion.

when i first started out, i learn basic chords, strumming and certain techniques such as sliding and bending from the internet. spend a little time searching for videos or articles. in this case, u are able to save some money from going to lessons.

i recommend lessons after u get the basics.

i have friends who are completely self-taught so its workable. hope the advise helps!
i just saw swee lee's fender shipment they have the MIM stratocaster i'm looking for ... just wonder is the Japan standard stratocaster better ?
or the mexicans ? cause i might just wait till the Japan's gigs come .