it's a shame that at this day and age, such acts of asininity are still very much present.
i've got my fair share of friends who would easily qualify for the best jcs locally opting to enter a poly instead. why? poly offers them a certain freedom and also the course they would want to do.
if i were a 6-pointer deciding on the next path to take, i'd prolly go to a poly. one word: competition. at least in a poly, i'd know that i'd have a higher chance of topping the cohort as compared to being the top few in a jc. it'd be easier to score a scholarship too, maybe. also, if i'm sure of what i wanna do in the future, poly education would further assist me in my uni education.
NUS FASS as a dumping ground is a crude way of seeing things. it is true that the larger part of the below-average 'A' level grads are posted to FASS, but it sure as hell aint a dumping ground. my friend's sis got like A B B or sth, yet she applied to FASS when she would've been able to apply to a better faculty.
it's a common misconception, dont you think singaporeans are very quick to judge. we might be a developed country but the mentality of the general public still stinks quite a fair bit. i'd say we progressed too quickly for our own good.
even the more common issues like smoking and having a tattoo are frowned upon. if you smoke and have a tattoo, you're immediately termed "ah beng/ah lian".