Posting Results ( where did you end up?)

Lol. When will our Mac arrive? They never tell me anything -.- Jerks. Haha. Which model did you purchase?

haha i ordered the black one. heard from the lady that the black macs are high in demand this year, hence the shortage of macs. called just now to check and it's still out of stock. bugger.
Haha. Same! I'm getting the black one too. Dime, you can use mine as long as you lend me your bag. Haha. Niteblade, are you enjoyin ur mac?
I'll be waiting too... so anybody? To join music vox, please form your own band of TP students first, if not we're gonna have a tough time sorting you into bands and your members might not be loyal.
it was just weird, before enrolment at SP, i was originally told to order the black one, but then when it came to the time to order there was only the white one on the order form. i was lucky though, got the last piece at the school itself, no waiting for delivery or anything.
it was just weird, before enrolment at SP, i was originally told to order the black one, but then when it came to the time to order there was only the white one on the order form. i was lucky though, got the last piece at the school itself, no waiting for delivery or anything.

Ohh. Wow. U enjoyin ur Mac too? I cant wait to use garage band though.