Possible to include a songwriting section?


New member
I was looking for a songwriting forum and stumbled into soft.com.sg. Everything is great here but I was hoping could include a songwriting section for people to review and collaborate on original stuff regardless of genre. I believe the community isn't that large so if songsriters/musicians/lyricists etc can congregate here, least we can say "Hey, we heard it here first ha" if someday one of the songs become a hit. Comments?

thanks for the suggestion. let's see if there are more supporters. :wink:

else the songwriting section might have few interaction.
Thanks for the replies guys. I understand what the Open Mic section is for but having seen other international forums where musicians/composers/lyricists all around the world collaborate and the eventual results are quite amazing. This will be a little long-winded, allow me to elaborate further. E.g you get a melody uploaded by person A, B offers to do up lyrics, C does instrumentation etc all via a single mp3 that they pass around and gradually, it becomes a pretty decent song. Of course if people think their stuff is so great that they are not willing to do so for fear of copyright then it's too bad; they can go at it alone.

I'm more of a lyricist/vocalist and I have certain tunes in my head while a friend I got to know from here happens to be the exact opposite (better composer, weaker in lyrics). We met up and are now working on some stuff, helping to fill in where needed via email for mp3 and lyrics. The synergy been's great so far and we are learning a lot from each other. Prior to this, I never got the help I needed since many "established" people aren't that willing to help out newbies for nothing less than a fee.

I'm sure there are people out there who are looking out for something like this where we can get feedback and help in certain lacking areas e.g a great melody composer who can't really sing so he/she needs a vocalist, a lyricist or maybe a musician to contribute a certain style/feel to the song. I'm personally looking out for people who play ethnic or traditional instruments to work together on some of my songs. Through this way, I believe we can rub off each other, everyone benefits and becomes better at what they do while songwriting standards are raised etc. After all, songwriting's a craft granted you take it seriously. Any thoughts?
Hey thanks. That was silmilar to what I saw in otther forums though I don't know whether it's more centered to Christian songs? Will look around further.