

New member
sorry, since the other thread is locked here's my response to it:

poser is quite a misused word here locally (not sure about other asian countries) but this is its original meaning:

"A poseur or poser is a person who adopts the dress, speech, and/or mannerisms of a particular group or subculture, generally for attaining acceptability within the group. A poseur may not share or understand underpinnings of the group he or she is trying to identify with. Some subcultures may view what they regard as poseurs with varying degrees of mistrust and scorn." -wiki

more on it here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poseur

so i guess the closest answer to the poll on the other thread, http://soft.com.sg/web/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=24955, is option 3. but its not only restricted to the genre metal and its not restricted to wheter one knows how to play it... its more directed towards cullture and a poser is someone trying to fit into it without know much about it.

can read more of it from the wiki link above. so if some1 calls u a poser or sumthing just smile back silently cuz he most probably don't even know the real meaning of the word... (as can be seen by the answers people give in that earlier poll)
The purpose of this thread is to clear the confusion many people here have about the meaning of the word.

And no. It is not now only, that its up to james whether to lock this thread. It has always been up to james whether he wanted to lock any thread.

If a thread such as this can start a flame war, its only because there're people here who make not-so-smart comments and hit the "submit" button without thinking.


Nah, i don't think the dressing has gotta do with the style of music. I know of a geek(no offense) who can shred solos and play smoothly. He's really good though, i think he is able to beat people much older than him. And he plays Metalcore surprisingly, I think its the interest and passion for the music that counts.
it depends where you draw the distinction between the MUSIC and the IMAGE.

if you look at music as composition, meaning you just write it, play it, record it, listen to it, then you can do anything you want really.

however, is that all music is?

you have to realise that there is a performance aspect to music; and in performance and general appeal and sales, image matters. Ugly guys can sing in boybands, but pretty guys will get the gigs.

So I do believe that fitting into the culture that surrounds a music can be relatively important. you can try to build your own culture, but it's not easy- and people will call you poser, of course. or ignore you altogether.

If you try to be somebody you're not, you will be labelled as a poser. You can live with it and keep trying until they accept you; or you can whine about it and cry or something. Anything is fine.

Personally I don't think there's any point calling anybody a poser- there's always that chance that that person will remember it, work really hard, and come back and kick your ass one day.

from what i observe...the geeks and the old fat dudes at the guitar centers are usually the best players, there are exceptions of cos
:lol: :lol: :smt043 :smt042



between 16 to 20 something i was a poser too ...so were all my frens !!!

We did it all for the nookie :lol:
Well i think it is the mentality is like if you listen to metal, you have to dress metal. But people do not realise the meaning behind those dressings. From what i understand, the older rock/metal bands dressed in the so call "metal/rock" wear to be different from others. To rebel against mainstream stuff etc. Something like that. Somehow, when they become popular, people start dressing like them.
Rock/metal is much more just dressing, its more the attitude. Once a friend who is going to a rock theme party asked me "How should i dress? Leathers and stuff" Then i told him dress in whatever way you want, rockers dont give damn about image anyway.

My two cents
it is all fashion. just different types.

sad to say, i lag real bad in fashion. still wearing what i wore 15 years ago.

shirts and pants when i work. complimentry t-shirt and jeans when i am not working. ya, i really have that many free t-shirts. :lol:
I have a question to ask....

Suppose if you see someone who paints his face and dresses like a black metal dude and you see him playing classical music on a piano? What would your reaction be?

I mean you can say it's just like a guy dresses up like a metal dude when he actually plays punk rock music and so he is a poser. But someone I feel that this entire "Punk VS Metal" dressing seems to be at loggerheads with each other especially in recent times. We get stuff like , "Metalcore is seeping into our Metal culture destroying what we have worked so hard for...." or "Some Metalcore musicians spot red/black strip shirts coupled with mascara , these emo kids are trying to seep into our metal culture...."

What I'm trying to drive is that when someone calls another person a poser it's usually when 1 party is into metal music and the other party into emo punk music. It's all about this emo punk vs metal prejudice thing in our society today.

Trust me , if you see a death metal dressing dude playing jazz music on his guitar , you won't call him a poser. Even though he's wearing black metal clothing and plays jazz music which is totally condradicting , you still won't call him a poser.

Another example would be if you see someone who dresses exactly like Mozart and paints his face like Dani Filth and plays classical music on the piano , would you call him a poser? The "identity mismatch" is clearly evident here so would you call him a poser? I don't think so because we have Neoclassical metal as an acceptable genre of metal and so there is no level of prejudice which means we won't call him a poser.

Before you start to flame me on what I have said , I would like you to examine what I have just said and apply it to this "Metal vs Emo punk" issue in our local music scene.

It is because we metalheads become so obssess with emo punk culture seeping into our metal culture so much so that we direct most of our poser callings to these emo punk people. Would you call a clasical musician a poser because he dresses like Dani filth and plays classical music on a say a violin?
havent seen people like that so far, and trust me i've seen shit loads of metal heads... or maybe they just might be in a band like Dimmu, who are symphonic orchestra... Reminds me of slayer concert where some of us were verbally bashing those emo-haired kids who thought they were metal! haha you should have seen the faces of those angry true-metalheads!
I don't listen to emo or metal, but I agree that if you play a certain kind of music, dressing comes along with it.. Like the dear old African American jazz players? They're dressed in suits and tie while playing.. Ladies are dressed in gowns and all. Bluesmen can be spotted wearing that "Louisana" silk tie and hat while they perform. Check out Buddy Guy's image! Authentic blues image...

It's just a whole package, know what I'm trying to say?

The very same principle about dressing for events. You don't attend a ballroom wedding in berms and tees right?
I think some people are obviously so tuned to the "If you dress that way, then you play that type of music" that if they see a mismatch, they start calling names and stuff. I of course would be surprised if someone dressed up like KISS and start to play some classic piece on piano but thats no big deal. I also saw some band in plain t-shirts jeans and sneakers rocking harder then some other glamed up bands. Dressing is just secondary.
This reminds me of that taiwanese show i caught on tv the other day...demostrating how to dress up for a rock/punk/metal/whatever concert. Man that was disgusting, i rather they educate people on what is rock/metal/punk/whatever instead of telling them how to look like them. Media are somewhat twisting the minds of people.

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