
But I'm not a trendy wanker.

I think it's cool to dress up 'cos pple will know you're cool when they can see you're cool. They won't know if you don't what.
i play various types of music. and i got labelled poser. just because i play some cannibal corpse with one band. and some muse with another band.
does it make sense? i dont dress up. music is universal. people judge a book by its cover. anw, i dont hink dressing up is important.
some people dress up just to keep in trend. but know nuts about the ttype of culture he/she dresses up to.
no labellers. :)
I 'm into metal but i also like alot of oldies, christina aguilera (she sings damn well) and i like muse too.. Why got problem with that? I've seen Tom Araya wearing a misfits shirt too..

hey dude, no worris man. im not calling you a poseur

after all, we shudnt bother aboutw hat people say, unless its a constructive comment.

only we ourselves truly know who we are
I think no one can criticise the metal guy who plays the piano a poseur because he's not, cos I think he's an original by being himself. Being a poseur is being someone whom you're not, like someone who stated that being a poseur is by adopting the speech or behaviour of some culture to try to fit in when he doesn't belong.
aiya.everybody was once a 'poser' or whatever you call those.
to all the cool kids who think they are too cool.was there once not a time when you were a poser.the times when you first introduce to your cool music?
bottom line is either everybody is a poser at one time of their life.agree?
and music was never about your image.dressing up?thats stupid.
music is about expressing yourself and your ideals.not trying to look cool.
this thread is stupid.
drex: music is about expressing yourself and your ideals.

what if i want to express my passion for music by dressing up and play the music i dress up to? it is expressing myself and my ideals.

you ppl have to agree that image does play a part in the music industry nowadays. i feel those who said image doesnt matter but the music is what counts is BS. i believe its both ways.
but then again.i think the making of music is to express your ideals.not to make money.so well~~its up to you.but the whole poser thing is lame lah....
there ARE people who make music simply to make money;

who have no ideals to spread and simply just use manufactured songs and lyrics by professional songwriters;

and wear an image built not from personal choices but by professional stylists.

it is done everyday today.

if you are a musician making music to spread your ideals, and somebody offers to pay you lots of money if you let them change your image, would you accept it?
well.it really depends on your ideals.if you want to sell out to your own ideals.then do so.if not...
i thought poser meant like dress up like something else and to pose as if u are that someone.

i grew up in a skateboard community and thats usually the case and its brought into the underground scene that way. i think. correct me if i'm wrong by all means.

but u know, everyone is a poser. its just to what extent.

style or substance?

i love hardcore music to bits and i love the way people who listen to hardcore dress. so of course i am influenced and follow. if i can't be scott wade or freddie madball i might as well look like them. so that makes me a poser.

but so what?

i listen to music for me. doesnt mean i dont like other music...

i think its best we stop caring abt what other ppl are wearing and just go see a band and support by the kids for the kids organisation gigs.

no more hate bro's.

come on la king ly chee is coming to singapore opening for nofx. thats gonna be one hell of a fun gig.


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